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I felt like I'd just gotten my shit rocked.

Nooo, I was not suffering from a broken heart or contemplating jumping off the roof or even curling up in a corner crying- but my shit was still definitely rocked. 

"Shad." Remy wiped the spit from his mouth and scrambled up from his position on the floor. Or, at least I wished he scrambled; truth was he took his time getting to his feet and looked good while he did it. He felt bad, I could see as much in his expression, but he only would have scrambled if he felt like he owed me something. And a look of sympathy wasn't the same as one of guilt. But I mean he ain't really have shit to be guilty about anyway. He had warned me about this right? Told me already he wasn't good for me?

It felt like I was swallowing acid. 

"Shit. I uh.. I thought it'd take you longer." I felt my eyebrows twitch and Remy must have noticed. He looked at me as he realized what he said. "No, no not like that Shad, I'm not that cold. This wasn't planned I swear. He only just got here after I'd already ask-"

"Who the fuck is he?" I spit out.

I heard the flick of a light and looked towards the couch just as dude started to stand. He'd tucked his dick back into jeans and had pulled a fresh blunt from somewhere. He sparked the end and inhaled big before exhaling, but I still got a good look at him despite the big ass cloud that made him hazzy a few seconds later. I was already pretty pissed but my attitude reached a new level when I realized how fine this nigga really was. It was pretty obvious he was older than both me and Remy. He had to of been at least 6'4 or 6'5 which made me feel short at 6'1 and it seemed like every muscle of the mans body had been worked on. And then it was like after he built his body up like a human superman, he went back and got tattooed everywhere. Only place on him that wasn't tattooed was his face. And that was fucking gorgeous. His facial features were distinct. He had a strong jawline, big but perfect nose, and full juicy lips surrounded by a beard.

He was dark like chocolate and his hair was cropped shorter than Remy's but longer than mine. His whole everything was intimidating and dominating and part of me wanted to beat his ass just to prove I could do it. 


"Who the fuck are you?" Damien answered my question with his own. 

He was in front of me now and I hated the picture it painted. He had slung his arm over Remy, and Remy, motherfucking Remy, was tucked into his side like a fucking kitten. And oh his face! I had never seen Remy look so happy and at peace before. He was giddy. Like a bitch taking a picture with her favorite rapper. 

"Damien this is Rashad. Stop playing like you didn't already know he's been staying with me." Remy punched him playfully in his brick wall of stomach and Damien took another puff of smoke before he decided to listen to Remy and drop the act I guess. He suddenly started laughing and smiled real big. 

Real big and fucking pretty.

Fucking fuck fuck fucking!

Why did all the chocolate niggas get the straightest, whitest, nicest fucking smiles?! 

Fuuuuuuuuuck my life. 

"Whats up Rashad? I heard you been here a couple months. Remy been treating you right?" He looked me all up and down as he spoke and I felt my lip curl in disgust and my fist clench. I hated this. I hated the way he was holding Remy, hated the way Remy was letting him, hated how deep his voice was, hated the fact that he had working lungs and was even alive to smoke his stupid as blunt, hated the name Damien, hated all niggas in the world taller than me, and hated how attracted to this man I was. All the fights and arguments I been in and I ain't never been as conflicted as I was now. 

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