"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any HYDRA base we've taken," J.A.R.V.I.S. responded immediately, his English accent contrasting against the American ones.

  "I guess we'll just have to break through it," Astrilde said, excited by the challenge. However, she had more pressing matters when a man landed on her back, causing her to yelp out like a hurt animal. She quickly grabbed his leg and swung him over her shoulder, throwing him so hard into the ground that he left a dent in the snowy earth. "That'll teach you not to attack me," Astrilde mumbled to the unconscious body in front of her.

  "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it," Thor's voice filled Astrilde's ears, along with the noises of oncoming enemies on his end. "At long last," Thor spoke lowly, but she didn't pay his words any mind, already focused on the three guys coming her way.

  Astrilde grabbed her sword yet again, before launching an attack. She leapt at the nearest man first, grabbing the scarf wrapped around his neck quite fiercely and stabbing him in the lower abdomen. Deep enough for scarlet blood to color the white snow red, but not enough to kill him immediately. The man in question fell to the ground, and she moved on to the next two. With chilling precision, she sliced her sword across their chests, it's metal sliding through their armor like it was made of paper. They both fell with wounds that would scar even if treated well.

  "That long last is lasting a little long, boys," Natasha stated, her voice not even winded from fighting.

  "Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise," Clint added. Astrilde could hear the sounds of explosions in her ears as the two of them spoke, most likely coming from their own battles. She wasn't shocked that they were holding up against their opponents, as they weren't assassins for nothing.

  "Wait a second, no one is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?" Tony asked, and Astrilde was sure he was frowning while he spoke.

  "It is not the most opportune time," Astrilde responded at the same time that Steve sighed, saying, "I know....... It just slipped out."


 Not long after their conversation, Astrilde arrived at the base of the mountain the HYDRA facility sat on. "Tony, could you give me a lift?" Astrilde asked when Tony flew above her location.

  "Yup," Tony responded, flying down and picking up Astrilde. She yelled in pure joy as they flew through the air, her golden cape flying in the wind. Tony soon dropped her right at the top of the building, below a large window, and swooped back out to get a better look at what they were dealing with. She leaned against the side of the building for a second, letting her heightened blood pressure calm before she did anything rash. She had to say that she was surprised there was no reinforcements trying to attack her. Surely there would be guards somewhere, even in a seemingly impossible place to break in, such as where I stand.

  "Sir? The city is taking fire," J.A.R.V.I.S. informed Tony, interrupting Astrilde's thoughts. Tony spoke lowly through Astrilde's earpiece, but she couldn't understand a word he said.

  "Clint!" Natasha's worried voice rang through the comms after a bit of radio silence.

  "They have an enhanced in the field," Steve informed everyone.

  "Clint's hit! Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" Natasha asked. A yell echoed through the forest, so loud that Astrilde could hear it. After the yell, Natasha uttered a small "Thank you".

  "Stark, we really need to get inside," Steve grumbled, his voice strained from his own fighting.

  "Do not worry, we have it covered. Tony is closing in right now on the north tower," Astrilde muttered, slightly distracted. Finally, some guards had noticed her, and were attacking her as she spoke. To say she was unimpressed by their timing would be an understatement.

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