ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀ

Start from the beginning


"Good afternoon Jinyoung, I wanted to say thank you for helping me with my injury a while back so I made some fried chicken and chocolate churros for you, I don't know if you would like it but it's my gift."

Jinyoung has his mouth wide open to the food that's in the other male's hand. His favourite food is right in front of him and his neighbour didn't even know that it was his favourite.

"Oh wow, you shouldn't have but thank you, I will accept it but I can't eat this on my own, come in and we can eat together"

Jinyoung opens the door wider to let Jaebum in. He helps carry the food into the living room and makes sure to lock the front door. They both sit on the sofa with a good distance between them. Jinyoung kept looking down and playing with his fingers, he wanted to dig in but he didn't want to seem greedy at the same time. Jinyoung looks back up to see Jaebum staring at him and his face start to radiate heat and becomes a glowing red colour

"Jinyoung you can eat it, I did make it for you, I'd be offended if you didn't chow down on my cooking"

Jinyoung giggles and grabs a chicken drumstick and starts eating

Jaebum's POV

Jaebum knows this was his favourite food, he'd talk about it with his two friends all the time. Jaebum knows that he made too much in hope that the boy would invite him inside to eat with him. Jaebum knows the boy was shy so he had to encourage him to eat. Jaebum knows Jinyoung, more than Jinyoung knows himself.

Jaebum didn't start eating yet, he soaks up the image of the boy next to him. Jinyoung was wearing a big sweater with shorts that was covered by the sweater and knee high socks with stripes to match the colour of his sweater; Jaebum found it adorable.

Jaebum eventually join in with Jinyoung and they end up finishing the chicken together, now the churros was left. Jaebum brings the plate over to them and he sits a little closer to Jinyoung

"Do you want me to feed you?"

Jinyoung blushes and starts playing with his sweater paws as he nods slightly, Jaebum wanted to coo at Jinyoung but held back so he didn't scare the boy. Jaebum dips the churros in the chocolate sauce then brings it over to Jinyoung's plump lips. Jinyoung opens his mouth and takes a bite and this repeated

Jaebum enjoys feeding the boy so much, pushing the small round tube of pastry into the boy's pink, plump lips was like heaven to him

"Don't pop a boner Jaebum don't pop a boner"

He had to tell himself while feeding the boy, Jaebum is enjoying this too much. After finishing the churros, Jinyoung moaned in enjoyment

"Those were really tasty Jaebum, even better than the shop made ones"

Jaebum smiles back as he receives the praise.

"Oh you still have a bit of chocolate left on your lip, let me get it"

Jaebum leans into Jinyoung's face and uses his thumb to wipe the remaining chocolate on the corner of his lips, Jaebum then moved his thumb into his mouth before sucking the chocolate off his thumb. Jinyoung did not budge one bit but he was breaking into a sweat from the close proximity. They were so close that they could tickle each other with their breath

"Should I do it?"

Jaebum looks down at Jinyoung's lips and Jinyoung looks into Jaebum's eyes


Jaebum slowly closes the gap between their lips and seals them together. Jinyoung didn't kiss back at first but slowly got into it and he ended up laying in the couch with Jaebum on top of him, kissing his neck leaving bright red hickeys. Jinyoung runs his hands through his silky hair and lets out little moans as Jaebum continued to bite the sensitive parts of his neck. Jaebum slowly kisses back up towards his lips and they continue to make out. Jaebum can taste the chocolate and the sweetness from the churros which made the kiss even more delicious. Jaebum sticks his tongue into Jinyoung's mouth and starts to explore the boy's mouth, Jinyoung responds by suck back onto the intruder, after a while they break apart to take a breather. They both sit back up and try to calm down their breathing.

Jaebum's eyes never left Jinyoung's spit slick lips, wanting to dive into them again but before that happened, Jinyoung quickly stands up and thanks Jaebum for the food and tells him that he should be leaving now. Jaebum was a little hurt but doesn't say anything. He grabs his empty plates and puts on his shoes before leaving the house and heading to his own. Jinyoung leans back into his house door and slowly slides down until his bottom hits the floor, he grabs his chest and tightly shuts his eyes to avoid any tears from escaping his scared soul.


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