[3] That's When I'll Stop Loving You

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T.W. Mentions of a panic attack.

"Roman!" Virgil banged on the royal's room. He and Logan had been dating for a while, and Logan wanted to take Virgil on a date, since Virgil was the one who arranged every single date, however, Virgil didn't like not knowing where he would be going, and Roman usually helped him when it came to that.

Roman opened the door, and his eyes widened when he realised Virgil needed help. He pulled the darker aspect into the room, and pulled him into a hug, letting him know he was safe. "What happened?" He spoke when he knew Virgil had calmed slightly.

"Logan wants to take me on a date, and I don't have a problem with it, but he won't tell me where we're going, and I don't like that, and I don't know what to do because it's not fair on him." Virgil's words ended up rushed, and he had to be reminded to breathe to ensure he didn't hyperventilate.

"Why don't you take control of the last part, I'm sure he only has about an hour or two planned, I'm sure you could figure something out for after that." Patton spoke up from Roman's bed, causing Virgil to only just then notice him. In the midst of his panic, Virgil didn't have time to stop and wonder why Patton was in Roman's room.

The three males stayed with one another for a short while, and planned what was to be said and done. Virgil felt calmer after getting the help from Roman and Patton.


Virgil smiled and looked around. He and Logan had gone for a picnic in the imagination, and Virgil knew where he was going to take Logan afterwards.

"Hey Lo?" Virgil looked at his boyfriend of 3 years, and smiled to himself. He knew 3 years wasn't long, but he knew he wanted to be with Logan forever, as cliche as it sounded.

"Yes?" Logan looked at Virgil with equal amounts of confusion and admiration.

"I... Can we go on a walk?"

"Of course." Logan smiled and stood up, extending his hand out for Virgil to take. Virgil let Logan pull him to his feet, and he smiled when they ended up a few centimeters apart, but he wasn't ready to kiss Logan yet, it had to wait.

Virgil stepped back, and pulled Logan along with him, taking him into the forest, and towards the stream that he knew was there.

He'd stumbled across it accidentally, but it was a magical place, especially when the sun was beginning to set. The lighting was beautiful, and it was a calming environment, Virgil often found himself there when he was suffering an extremely vicious attack.

Virgil stopped walking and pulled Logan closer to him, stopping him from looking around too much.


Virgil took a deep breath and recited the words he, Roman, and Patton had prepared earlier.

"When the bird stop singing, and the breeze stops blowing, when the sky stays one colour, and the water stills, that's when I'll stop loving you."

Virgil sent Logan a small smile, and got down on one knee. "As cheesy as it sounds, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and I want you to be mine forever. Will you do me the honours of marrying me, Logan Sanders?"

Logan rolled his eyes slightly, but had a fond smile adorning his face., and he nodded. "I would love to."

Virgil slid the ring onto Logan's left ring finger, and stood up. Only then did they truly look around and appreciate the beauty of the place they were in, and they were happy to stay with one another until the sun set.

And when they did go back into the Mind, they were met with knowing smiles, and no other words were spoken. Which left Virgil feeling happier, and calm, a way only Logan was able to truly make him feel.

656 words

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