Episode 26: The Ball

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[One Week Later]

[One Week Later]

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Maggie smiled. "Seems that the trip did you some good. You look happier now."

Star grinned back. "Yeah, I got to see my sister!"

"The waffle making one?" Cyan asked.


Ame folded her arms. "That reminds me, you need to be more watchful with his diet. No more Pi- I mean Kezzla."

Maggie sighed. "That explains why Star looked upset, it must've made him feel gross."

Alastair smiled at his Gatekeeper.

"Let us know if something bothers your stomach," Maggie said. "That way, we can make you something else to eat."

"Something will come in for you a bit later," Ame said. "Anyway, I have to go. I still have to finish Allie's dress."

As excited as he was, he was worried about the ball, too. This would be his first dance without Hannah or the others.

Ame came by in the afternoon. "Sorry for not coming earlier, I had to deal with some stuff.

She pulled a white box out of her pockets of everything and handed it to him. "I have something for you."

"What is it?" He pulled off the red ribbon and found a note inside the box. The front of it said, "to my little redhead". When he flipped it over, the other side said, "I love you and have fun tomorrow."

A warmth bubbled up inside of him. Even a world away, Alastair could feel Hannah giving him a tight squeeze. It felt nice, but it made him homesick, too.

He turned back to the box. "No way! Is this...?"

"I wouldn't have heard the end of it if I hadn't gotten that for you." Ame shoved her hands in her pockets. "Hannah might be a world away, but she's still doing what she can to take care of you." She set an elliptical box on the bench at the foot of his bed. "She also gave me this."

His suit for special occasions was in the big box. What could be in the other box, he wondered. He reached for the box and pulled off the lid. His eyes twinkled at the white fedora with a red band around it.

He gazed at the fedora. "Hannah continues to amaze me. She knows exactly what we like." "Does everyone wear hats or was it her idea?"

"She wanted to give you a choice since boys don't usually wear hats."

He put the hat on. "I'm a snazzy cat!" He put on brown boots.

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