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❝You started messing with my head until I hit a wall❞

With a towel, Sergio ruffled his hair in an attempt to at least kind of dry it. He walked to the brown and wooden bedside table and grabbed his phone. Fucking hell, what the fuck is wrong with these people. Forty missed calls and a million text messages. 

"Sergio, check this article out."

"Sergio, why aren't you answering my calls?"

Sergio this, Sergio that, it was giving him a headache. "Sergio Ramos and Gerard Pique are gay for each other? Both were spotted together in -" He couldn't be bothered to read the rest of the bullshit the press was on about. Seriously? Now it's rumored that he's bisexual? I mean, he's not, is he?

Barging out of the gray room and slamming the bedroom's door open, Sergio clenched his phone tightly. His palms were sweaty, his head was looking for the words to tell this to Gerard. But it's no big deal right? Just some rumor. He's dealt with rumors before. Thinking and almost forgetting how to knock, Sergio stood outside Gerard's bedroom door. His palms were as sweaty as Cristiano in the gym. Breath Sergio. Breath. It's just Gerard. Come on. Knocking carefully. 

"Come in," Sergio heard the muffled voice of Gerard.

"Hey. I need to show you something. It's the fucking press again. They're claiming we're bisexual. It says gay, but you know they're fucking stupid."

"Right. Jesus. Seriously again? I mean I don't like you in that way." 

"Hm. Do you?" Sergio smirked at Gerard with his heart fluttering slightly like a twelve-year-old girl. 

"Come on Sergio. Seriously?" Gerard chuckled pulling Sergio onto the bed beside him. "You know what let's just ignore this one. I mean it's not a big deal. We deal with rumors every damn day."

"Hell yeah, we do. The fucking press should go to hell. Seriously though."

"I know. I know," Gerard put his head on Sergio's shoulder while closing his eyes, "you know what? I take that back. We should do something. I don't want the whole world thinking I'm bisexual. People will think differently of me. What if -"

"Hey. It's fine. I mean, you're not actually fucking bi right?"

"Yeah, I guess. Are you?"

"I don't know to be fucking honest with you."

"Me too. But I guess we'll figure it out later." Gerard sighed deeply staring into nothing.

After a few moments of silence, Sergio opened his mouth to break it. "Hey, you okay? You're weirdly quiet. It's fucking weird."

Thinking, Gerard still stared into space. "I don't know. It's bothering me. The rumor."

"It's bothering you, huh? Sometimes it gets the best of us, I guess. I'm sorry to hear that mate. But you know I'll be here for you, right? Wait. Nevermind. Sorry, you have Shakira. How's Shakira huh? Would have fucking liked to see you two together, to be honest." 

"She's fine. I guess. She and Mulma are happy together. If she's happy, I'm happy. You seem to like that boyfriend who broke up with her years ago but never gotten over her like a pussy."

"But we never dated."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Sergio rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 

"What," Gerard chuckled, "are you jealous."

"No, why the fuck would I be?" 

Scoffing jokingly, Gerard smiled. "Well, you seem to like it."

"Am I? Well, I'm fucking sorry, Mr. Gerard Pique." Both erupted into laughter. 

It seems so cliched but it was true. Those little things made them happy. They were finally friends. It doesn't matter what happened between them. I guess, they would just, find their way back together, happily. As friends of course. 

"Ever since that press conference, I haven't been as happy as I am now. To be fucking honest with you. I called you a pussy, all that shit. But I haven't realized that actually becoming close to you, I guess admitting my wrongs, I would be finally happy again."

"Jesus, you took the words out of my mouth. Well, not the pussy part. But yeah. That's pretty much it." Gerard chuckled followed by Sergio's laughs. 

Minute by minute, they shared laughs, the shared their thoughts and smiles. They were finally happy. 

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