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you're ripped at every edge but you're a sunrise Halsey

Knock. Knock.

Sergio's eyes fluttered open and he rubbed his eyes. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Gerard. Can I come in?"

"What do you think? It's your damn house," Sergio snapped.

Gerard opened the door slowly holding a set of clothes. "Um, they might be a bit big, but they should work."

Smiling for the first time in months, Sergio stood up and took the clothes from Gerard's hand swiftly. Walking up the bed, Sergio closed his eyes and fell onto the bed again, sighing. "Gerard, why are you being so fucking nice to me?"

"I honestly don't know. I guess it's because you're drunk and I feel a bit sorry for you. You've been such a butthole to me, but I get that the press is putting a ton of pressure on you," Gerard explained standing at the doorway fiddling with his fingers.

Sighing and turning to face Gerard, Sergio looked into Gerard's eyes. "I don't deserve this. I'm so sorry for calling you the pussy when I've been the dickhead. No, I've been the dickhead and the pussy. Sorry, man."

"Look, I don't know whether I should accept your apology or not. But I want to."

"Mhm, right. I really just want to tell the press to go fuck themselves. But sometimes you just can't, and either way they're always bitching about everything that you do."



Both Gerard and Sergio's phone buzzed in their pockets. Taking quick glances at each other, then they took their phones out and checked what was wrong. Couldn't be anything too bad, right?

"Gerard Pique calls Sergio Ramos a fat pig and a liar," the article from the Sport read. 

"What, Jesus. That Spanish newspaper. Again. Another rumor about football. Great. Amazing." Gerard took a few steps in a circle angrily as he puffed out air. Stupid, stupid, stupid journalist. Great just when he and Sergio were getting along. 

"Fucking hell bro. Di - did you?" Gerard looked gloomy at Sergio and shook his head. "Then what, huh?"

"I don't know. Jesus. Argh. It's probably just some journalist." 

"Then why are you shitting your pants?"

"I don't know. Just when things were going well, they just come along and ruin it again. For everyone! Again," Gerard turned around and punched the wall. His knuckles burnt, it burnt so much. All the blood rushed away from his knuckles, and before he knew it, he started bleeding. 

"Bro, I thought that was supposed to be my thing," Sergio chuckled.

"Y - you're not mad at me?"

"Hell no, you said you didn't fucking do it. Then the man didn't fucking do it. It's simple."

A wave of relief rushed through Gerard's face. "Thank God."

"So what are we going to do then huh," Sergio asked.

"Bring it to Twitter, I guess." Gerard shrugged.

"Alright then." Sergio typed in the passcode for his phone and went onto Twitter. "It's all good @3gerardpique ." "Some people are only good at creating bullshit for innocent people."

Gerard took out his phone grinned. 

"Why the fuck are you looking at your phone like that huh," Sergio spoke.


"Lookin' at shirtless pics of me? I know I'm fucking hot."

"Nah, you're too ugly to look at," Gerard laughed, "just kidding." Winking at Sergio, he smiled to himself.

"I'm going to shower and tomorrow I have to head back to Madrid. But I'll see you in the next El Clasico or international, okay?"

"Yeah." Gerard opened the door and walked out to find his mother standing with her arms crossed. "Madre! What are you doing? Have you been - "

"No, you stupid boy! Tell that Sergio boy to stay for the night. And - treat him like a guest."

"I was, Madre! Jesus." Gerard walked off to his room and jumped onto the bed, then lay there with his eyes closed. His mind was buzzing like a mailroom. The adrenaline that he didn't notice was there before, felt weird. It was like the one during the game. It was different. A smile formed on his face. For once, he was happy. 

Ding, ding, ding, ding. Gerard didn't care. He didn't care. He didn't care if the press was talking shit. He didn't care. He'll call Mesut to get Sergio's stuff in a minute. Everything's finally perfect.

Te odio y te amo ↠ Geriro [1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ