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❝ It's not worth the drama for a beautiful liar ❞ Shakira and Beyonce

"I knew it. You had a thing against him, didn't you? But why do you hate him so much? He's just some defender who plays for Barcelona. Oo, El Clasico." Kaká laughed as his friend and teammate stood angrily next to him in training during a water break. 

"Shut the fuck up, asshole. Gerard's a pussy, " Sergio crossed his arms and scowled. 

Kaka patted his teammate on the shoulder. "Don't say that mate. You and your temper..."

"He just wants the attention, that's all. A girl to comfort him and sleep with him. Pft. He's jealous of me, and Mulma. "

Kaka rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Mate, I don't think that's why. I think it's because he didn't expect you to say it," he paused, "out of everyone."

"Yeah right. He's a pussy. And guess what? He doesn't wanna admit it."  Sergio threw his water bottle onto the ground making it bounce several times. 

"It's your world Sergio, I just live in it." Kaka laughed and walked towards Marcelo. 

Sergio waved his arm before storming off. "Go fuck yourself." He had no idea what was going on in his teammate's head. To be fair, Kaka was always there to come to his aid with the press and everything. 

"What's it now," Marcelo jokingly asked, "crying about Gerard again?"

"Fuck you, do you ever learn how to shut up?" Sergio attacked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Says the one who swears like a sailor." Snorting, Marcelo went to get a ball. 

A few moments later, Sergio followed Marcelo to get the ball. His heartbeat was racing, his hands were clenched. He put the ball in front of his feet. Go back for a few paces. Then he ran forward to kick the ball as hard as he could. Doing that for a few times, everyone began to realize Sergio Ramos was throwing a fit again. Of course, Marcelo and Kaka knew.  But they thought he was cool down soon.

"There is really something wrong with this man. One minute he's fine, the next minute he's exploding. Even when he's not playing. No one he get's so many red cards." Mourinho furrowed his eyebrows and walked towards the ball, Sergio. "Sergio, man. Are you okay? You seem off. Is it the press?"

Scoffing, Sergio ignored him. "Sergio. Is it the press?" Mourinho told him more tensely. Yet again, the player ignored his coach and continued to kick the ball as hard as he could. "Sergio. Stop this. Jesus Christ."

"Shut the fuck up you dick. Why do you even care." Spit was coming out of Sergio's mouth as he yelled at his coach. 

"Sergio, seriously. It's time you stop swearing like some fifteen-year-old and learn how to respect coaches. Jesus. What's up with you anyway. You're all angry. "

"Why do you care so much? You're just a coach." 

"Come on Sergio. Start acting like a grown man. Is it the press?"

"What if it is?"

Jose Mourinho, the coach, couldn't even say anything to the man. He expected that Sergio would be used this, considering his bad-boy reputation. "Well, I guess we'll just have to tell the press and Pique over and over the same thing. You know they won't do anything until it becomes history and its forgotten. Just like any other complaint, the press has written about you." 

"Well, that's great advice, dumbass." 

"Want a press conference scheduled then," Mourinho suggested, "we'll do it your way. We need to tackle this problem anyway, sooner or later. It's not good for our reputation. Especially yours. Do you really want more drama? People saying you're a coward?

"Our reputation? You're just in this because of the team. I mean, I don't mind having a press conference. But I just don't want to waste so much time because of that pussy."

"Alright. People are going to think I'm just that lousy coach who just wants the trophy. And who the hell is 'that pussy'?"  

"Gerard. And isn't that all you want? To win trophies, just like any other coach. If I get sacked then boohoo." 

"Whatever. But you know what, let's just schedule a press conference. Just this once. We'll see what happens."

"Yeah, yeah." Sergio agreed and went into the changing room. He could still hear his heartbeat ring next like a drum. This was weird. Sergio usually got over this within a day or two. But this was more than a day or two. Obviously. Was Gerard worth fighting for? Why was he so worked up over a country teammate? I mean, it's not like he's the first teammate he's fought with or the first person he's fought with. 

I mean he's having trouble with his relationship with his girlfriend, Pilar Rubio. But still. That doesn't matter anymore. He was going to end the relationship today anyway. 

"Sergio, where are you going?" Mourhino questioned.

"To take a shit."

"Seriously man?"


On the way to the toilet, Sergio grabbed his phone in the locker. Dialed Pilar's number and pressed his phone against his ear.

"What Sergio," Pilar answered.

"I'm ending this goddamn relationship."

"The fuck why?"

"What 'the fuck why'? You know exactly why. You cheated on me with some fucking model."

"Are you kidding?"

"Why should I be kidding? I'm as serious as hell."

"Fine. It's your loss, Sergio." Pilar's voice cracked. Her through was knotted. Her eyes teared and her vision clouded. Luckily she was at home.

"Move out by tomorrow." Was all Sergio said. He hung up for her not allowing her to say anything else. He'll deal with it at home.

Te odio y te amo ↠ Geriro [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang