"Kinda too late for that," I said with a grin. "Everyone knows that we tried to assassinate Indigo and Lionel. But you look great, honestly."

Katherine traced the design on her scabbard with one finger. "I don't know what to expect. We don't know these people. Even though we're part of the Rosewood Seven and that makes us 'special', I'm worried that Lionel's soldiers will always see us as the people who tried to kill their leader. He's pretty popular, from what I've heard, so I'm expecting malice and scrutiny."

I squat down so I was eye-level with Katherine in her wheelchair. Uncertainty pooled in her eyes, and it was the first time I've ever seen the expression so clearly on her. I placed my hand over hers. "I'm worried too, Kath, but no matter what happens, I'll be here. After what we've been through, I think the only people we can truly trust are each other. And I promise you, as long as I'm alive, no harm will come to you." I meant every word. I would trust Katherine with my life, and I hope she trusts me the same way.

Katherine squeezed my hand. "You're right. As long as we're together, we can face anything." She smiled at me. "Thanks, Aaron."

The feast was already underway when a young soldier lead us to the where everyone was gathered. Soldiers and officers alike stopped what they were doing to stare at us, taking in every detail. Katherine sat tall but stiffly in the wheelchair, looking straight ahead. Augustus's cloak fluttered slightly behind me as I steered Katherine's wheelchair between the huddles of people. At the very front, tables were set up end to end make one giant, long table for the generals and other important leaders to eat at. As we approached, Lionel and Indigo stood up, followed by the leaders, and then everyone in the clearing. The sudden ebb of conversation and activity made the atmosphere tense.

"Let us give a warm welcome to the final members of the Rosewood Seven—Aaron Kane and Katherine Lewis!" Lionel's authoritative voice carried throughout the clearing. A wave of polite applause washed over us as I wheeled Katherine to our seats next to Indigo, who smiled widely.

"I'm sure everyone has questions about what had occurred the previous night. I will tell you all right now that it was all a big misunderstanding. There are no assassins, and neither Indigo nor I was harmed. Please disregard all rumors that may be flying around camp; we are all friends and teammates here." Lionel looked out into the crowd, meeting the gazes of every person. I had to admit that he had the aura of a natural leader.

"Now, everyone please take your seats, and let the feasting begin!" Indigo ordered, standing on Lionel's right. A loud clamor ensued as people sat down, began eating, and resumed conversations.

Lionel and Indigo were at the center of the long table. Lucian and Rachel sat to the left of Lionel, while Katherine and I sat to the right of Indigo. The other generals and leaders sat further down the line, and we faced out towards the soldiers, who sat in groups.

The food was good, with a wide array of choices from all sections of the food pyramid. Gradually, I began to relax and focus more on enjoying the feast instead of being alert for any danger. As the feast carried on into the night, Lionel ordered drinks to be brought out. "These are some of the best wine in my winery," he told us. "You should really try it."

Goblets of dark red wine were set before each person. I looked at Katherine, who eyed the wine with an expression bordering on suspicion. "Are you worried the wine is spiked?" I teased.

Katherine looked at me with a small smile. "It's a habit now. I don't think Lionel hates us that much, though."

Indigo leaned over, having overheard the conversation. "Don't worry. If anyone dares to harm a single hair on either of you, I'm going to make them wish they had never been born."

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