6. I Silently Pray To God It's Not My Name

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"That was a quick answer," he says, raising a thick eyebrow.

"Yeah, I don't really like partner work because I'm usually left without a partner."

"That's not very good."

I shrug. "You get used to it."

"I'm sure you do."

Bailey and I sit silently. Well, I do at least. Bailey turns to the person beside him and they start chatting. I'm left to stare at a wall.

"OK. Attention, please!" Miss Finch calls from the front. She has a piece of paper in her left hand and is holding up her right.

Chatter ceases around the room and everyone has their eyes on Miss Finch.

"So this assignment is a partner assignment, as you know, and I have paired you up with people I think you don't interact with much and will be able to work well with. If you have any dramas about your partner, please feel free to see me after class."

Miss Finch reads out names from her piece of paper. People look around and glance at their partners, some disappointed while others look ecstatic.

"Um, Bianca and..." Miss Finch peers closer at the paper while I silently pray to God that it's not my name she's trying to read. "Ah, Chase."

I let out a sigh of relief and sink lower in my chair. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bailey glance at me and smile, his shoulders shaking slightly; he's laughing.

Sitting up, I tap him on his bicep. He looks at me, an eyebrow raised, and I turn my palms up, giving him a questioning look. He shakes his head and I assume that means 'don't worry about it'.

"We have Bailey and Martina," Miss Finch calls. "And I believe that's everyone. Who doesn't have a partner?"

Everyone looks around but there are no hands raised.

"Good. Now, everyone, this assignment is about body image and body positivity and what pressure society is putting on body image. I will hand out the task sheet and then you can find your partner and start working," Miss Finch grabs a stack of paper from her desk and starts handing them out to everyone.

Well, this is great... a fat girl and an athletic boy doing an assignment about body positivity and body image and society telling us we have to look a certain way to be accepted.

See how great this is?

Once Miss Finch hands Bailey and me a task sheet, we decide to migrate to the corner of the room and sit on the floor.

"OK, so let's go through this task sheet," Bailey says, focusing on the paper.

I watch Bailey as he reads, his lips moving to each word. His hair doesn't fall in his face as he reads, unlike some other boys.

I think back to Eddie; his hair wouldn't fall in his face either. I start to wonder if we'll do anything else after we see a movie. If we're still seeing a movie.

I must have zoned out for a bit because Bailey is clicking his fingers in front of my face, obviously trying to get my attention.

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