Massage 7

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****Trigger Warning*****

It was a time your you to return to Michaels house. Shit. How could you do this to him? He loved you! And you fucked another dude!

"Hey baby!" He says with a familiar bright dimpled smile. It hurt you to see him. It hurt you a lot. He leans in for a kiss but you pull away. You couldn't just kiss him with the same mouth you had used to kiss Chadwick....
"What's wrong? I'm sorry I wasn't acting myself, you know I have to that problem and-" You couldn't just sit there and let him keep apologizing she you were the hurt him.

"I cheated on you." You state looking down plainly.

"What?" He laughs confused.

" Michael I'm....sorry." SoRrY?! What can sorry do? Sorry can't fix this? He looks at you with pain in his eyes after realizing you're not kidding.

"With who? Who is he Y/N?" He asks twitching his hands. You look up at his frustrated eyes giving him a nonverbal answer. "You-Really? Why.....why the FUCK would you?....." His eyes go cold before you could respond you were pinned to a wall and had a pocket knife to your throat.

"Really? REALLY Y/N?! You think you can cheat on us? I knew it. I knew you neva cared but Michael never listened." Erik yells enraged in his familiar accent. "You just like all them utha hoes that did us wrong." He says as the knife slowly pushes into your skin.

"Please....Michael." You beg now crying. What you did was horrible, yes but death is such a heavy punishment!

"You know what, I oughta, but I won't kill ya." He stops abruptly flipping his knife back. "Because I want you to live the rest of ya sad fuckin LIFE. Knowing what you did." And his demeanor soften back to Michael.

"I..I loved you." Michael whispers as tears for in his emotionally drained eyes. He quickly wipes them and finds himself unable to look at you. And you don't blame him.

"Pack your shit and leave." He threw the knife in the trash, never wanting to see it again after it being inches away from killing you. Even though he was infuriated, he still loved you.

After you packed your things, you left and realized you had no where to go. You call your best friend Morgan to tell her what you did.

"Morgan.....I did something really bad." You say on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong?" She asks worried.

"Can I stay at your house for a while?" You ask embarrassed.

"Sure sis."

Morgan's house
"I cheated on him." You say as soon as you open the door.

"What are you...Y/N!" She says shocked. "Get in here we need to talk. Morgan's boyfriend waves from the couch. And you too immediately head into Morgan's guest room.

"How did this happen?" Morgan asks. You explain everything, down to the tiny details, to almost dying.

"Michael had no right to hold that knife to your throat, but what you did was SO wrong. That man intend to love you for the rest of your life. Fuck a sex pill. You still could have held yourself back." Morgan fusses.

"I know!" You cry into your hands.

"Suck those tears up buttercup. You don't know what it's like to be cheated on and hurt like that. And forget Michael trusting you anymore, how am I supposed to trust you? You could try something with my man! I don't think I want you staying here." Morgan shuns you.

"You know I wouldn't do that!" You say shocked that she would even bring that up.

"Do I?" Morgan hands you your bags and once again you have no where to go.

Michael B Jordan/Erik Killmonger X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora