Witches, Work, and my Ass

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Two of my friends and I decided to be witches for a day and try to make an illusion through witchcraft.My two friends were situated in water on either side of me while I was slightly above them on a tiny mound of land. Our clothes were dirty and ragged, so was our hair. We all had the same length of brown hair, all equally as messy. The three of us also for some reason looke too skinny, not the type of skinny that comes from not eating enough. This skinny was from worry and stress.

When we finally made the illusion show, a small chubby School bus, which was grey with a black top floated from out of the water. One came out of each circle of water that the two friends of mine were standing in. When they noticed it they began to shriek and scramble out of the water.

They began to argue with me, suddenly not looking at all like the triplets covered in black ink, blaming me for this. They called me a witch and said I was dirty. My boyfriend and best friend of to the side also called me horrible names. I felt so horrible that I had to leave.

When I left, I realized I had to go to work. My only problem was that I was stranded. I set out to find a ride. Walking along a dirt road with tall and fat pine trees on either side of me someone came along to pick me up.

The large family in an oddly long mini van picked me up. The children in the back were feasting away on the McDonald's in their arms. The large, not just in weight but in general, mother stopped for me with a lovely smile on her face. She asked me, "Do you need a ride? Where you going to?" The van and the mother were so big that I felt like a small child again.

I told her where and hopped into the back, I had noticed the dad not eating and hyper focusing on driving. He seemed so strange, almost creepy. The type of creepy and scary that makes you tear up just thinking or talking about it.

They ended up dropping me off more than ten miles away from my work, but it was the thought that counted I guess.

The mother gave me that very same sweet smile but a bit apologetic, "I'm sorry we couldn't get you any closer," she pointed into a one of the graffiti covered tunnels near my home town, "if you continue through there it'll take you to where you're going."

Not really thinking how sketchy that really was, I nodded my head and followed where she had pointed. The tunnels were completely covered in graffiti, mainly blues and greens stood out. As I was walking I passed two small children barring a strong resemblance to the two artists in Die Antword.

The looks on their face had that same tear inducing creepy look as the father did. When my eyes left the children I saw a very clean and white wall with a door off to the side of the wall.

I opened the door and walked into a hallway, a very clean hallway. When I turned right there was a beautiful woman with soft brown hair, sparkling eyes and dark pink lips in her late 30s. She told me it was my turn and he was ready.

Not knowing what I was doing I blindly nodded my head and followed where I was told to go. The room I walked into was equally as clean and white as the hallway and wall. There was and old balding man with a large head hunched over a desk with his back turned to me. The woman next to him, assuming she's the assistant, is busying herself with organizing everything around the man.

She had short brown hair with carmel highlights, she was very petite but slender and long. Overall with her high cheekbones and full lips, she resembled the stereotype of a petite female character with a brown pixie hair cut from a play station game.

I still got that weird feeling from the children and the dad, I believe it was either the assistant or the doctor. Maybe it was both. When the old doctor turned around, he started to talk to me. I ignored all of it when the assistant brought over the rolling tray with a pink and blue wire on it. From the little bit I heard I knew those wires would be stuck up my rear end.

I was not okay with that so I interrupted the doctor by jumping up and running out of the room. The woman outside the room looked slightly confused as I ran out. At first the woman tried to ask me how it went but quickly stopped once she saw the look on my face.

I just felt so uncomfortable walking, it felt like I was not safe no matter where I was. I passed some teens a year or two older than me on my way down the hall and I felt that strange and uncomfortable vibe that almost made me cry.

Then I woke up confused and mildly uncomfortable.

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