Prince Charming

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I am deeply sorry, and I promise to explain everything if you show up to the place on the back of this card. Inside this box you will find some pretties. Wear them tonight. Xx. H.

P.S. Forgive me. I can't stay away from you.

I look down into the box, on top under the card is a single red rose. I smile, he must've caught on with all the roses in the apartment. I set aside and continue going through the contents of the box.

I pull out the wrapping, and pull out a beautiful dress. It has an older look to it, it's a baby blue dress. "Go try it on!" Carolina pushes me off the bed and I follow her orders.

I run to the next room and change into it quickly, it's comfy and warm. It's long sleeved, and hangs off my shoulders with nude buttons down the front. Harry really took note of my style.

I walk out into my bedroom and do a full spin to show it off. "Wow, that's banging. It shows off your curves." Carolina announces, "Now come there's two more boxes inside this box."

I open the bigger box of the two, and find a pair of shoes. They are these cute, vintage looking lace up shoes that match the dress with the smallest of lace detailing. "How does he already know me so well?" I ask as I try them on. They're the perfect fit.

"Okay, last box!!" Carolina says hanging me a little square white box. Inside there's another box that takes both my breath, and Carolina's away. It's a little red box with iconic gold writing with the name 'Cartier'.

"He didn't." Carolina says while I slowly open the box and then shut it. It's a white gold Cartier love bracelet. "He did." I confirm and she pulls the box from my hand to view it. Harry, whom I've known for a week just splurged on one of the most expensive bracelets for me.

I've always been fascinated with Cartier bracelets but have never been able to afford my own. Not many people can afford them. It's not a traditional bracelet that you slide on, you have to be locked into it. It's a symbol for love and commitment, and considering the key isn't in here for me to lock it means Harry has it.

"Okay. You need to go get ready, and if you don't I'll go to the date." Carolina jokes, I nod as I head over to my vanity to get ready for tonight. I pull out my curling iron, and a little bit of makeup.

I quickly curl my hair and then apply my natural makeup before I finally slip the shoes on. Carolina walks in when I announce I'm done and smiles when she sees the completed look. "You look stunning." She gasps, putting her hand over her mouth. "Now go, there's a Range Rover out there waiting for you." She states.

"What?" I ask rushing over to the window to indeed find a black Range Rover, in front of our apartment building.

"Here, take this clutch. Talk it out with him, I can see that he cares for you." Carolina says as she hands me a little clutch with a little clip on the front.

"Okay." I say as I turn and head out the door and make my way to the Range Rover. A driver stands next to the door ready to open my door.

"Miss." He says as he opens the door, I thank him when I climb inside.

As we drive he doesn't say much, just that Harry is looking forward to seeing me. I smile at him and continue to look out at the snow covered ground.

We arrive and instead of the driver opening my door, it's Harry. He smiles when I step out of the car and I make my way by his side. His hand is in mine, and holds me tight. "Hey." He says as we walk side by side. "Hey." I reply as we walk inside and up black velvet carpeted stairs.

"Thank you for all the gifts, even if they weren't necessary." I admitted as we reached the top of the stairs. Harry grinned, "I hope you bought the bracelet." He laughs as we walk over to a table in the nicest of restaurants in New York.

I quickly notice there is no one here, and my suspicions return and are at an all time high. "I did." I say holding up the box.

"Before I lock it, and I allow you to lock mine; we need to talk, huh?" Harry asks. "We do." I confirm.

"What do you want to know?" He asks.

"I want you to be honest with me." I state, "Why is it that you can't be seen in public with me ? Why are you always sneaking out or abandoning me?" I ask, I hear my voice crack and ignore it.

"You really want me to tell you?" He asks bringing his chair so he's facing me, he places his hands in mine. I nod. "You'll believe me ?" He further asks, putting off his answer. I nod again.

"Damn it, Harry. Just tell me." I raise my voice slightly.

"I'm kind of a Prince." He states, and my eyes go wide, he's joking. There's no way I bumped into a prince in the streets of New York City at three in the morning.

"You're joking, right?" I ask, a little laugh falling from my lips. He shakes his head, and I know he's serious from the look he's giving me.

"Pull out your phone." He directs. I do as he says while his stare follows me. "Go to Google, and type in the name Harry Styles." I do it, and the first thing that comes up is his Wikipedia page, confirming he's the current Prince of England, his father the King.

"Say something." He tells me after a few moments of silence. "I don't know what to say, I'm kind of in shock." I admit as I put my phone away and look at him.

"The reason I won't be seen in public with you is because I want you safe, I don't need the paparazzi chasing you and watching your every move." Harry speaks and my heart flutters. I pull him into the biggest hug I've ever given anyone and hold him.

"I'm sorry, I was such a bitch." I state as I bury my head into his chest. "It totally was not my business."

"No, no, no. I'm sorry." He states, before he looks over on the table to the boxes. He pulls my bracelet from the box and pulls it apart. "Let me see your wrist." He says. I hold it up to him and he presses a kiss against my wrist and I wonder if he can feel my pulse quicken.

When he removes his lips, the place where they were is now cold. He takes the bracelet and places it around my wrist. He snaps it into place and grabs the tiny gold screwdriver to 'lock' me into my bracelet. "This is my promise to keep you safe, and loved in this crazy world that's my life." He says as he locks the bracelet, I smile when he places a kiss against the bracelet. "Sealed with my love." He replies, a laugh falling from his laugh. "I feel like I'm in a chick flick." I chuckle as tears well in my eyes.

"My turn." I laugh as I pick up his bracelet, and do the same for his. Sealing his with a kiss too. How cheesy.

"Now shall we have dinner?" Harry questions and I quickly nod. "Of course, is that a question?" I giggle as I look across at Harry.

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