Chapter 18: Disturbance

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A/N: The song doesn't fit this exact chapter, but it reminds me of the dynamic of their relationship, so I thought it would be good to put this in at some point. The band who wrote it is pretty lit too and actually releasing their EP soon.

Turner's POV:

We stand outside the McAllister residence once again. I knew we would be back here at some point. There hasn't been a lead in months, so when I heard there was a disturbance at their address, I volunteered to take it.

I ring the doorbell once, then twice when no one comes to the door. Moments before we're about to give up and head back, we hear locks clicking. The door opens as far as the chain will let it as Adam peers through.

"May I help you, Officers?"

"Yes, you can. You remember us, right? Would it be okay for us to come in?"

"I don't know..." He tightens his grip on the door and I'm afraid he's about to shut us out. "My mom's not home, and she told me not to let anyone in when I'm alone."

We didn't observe a disturbance ourselves, so if he doesn't let us in, there's nothing we can do. "Please, this is important." I sense a hesitation, so I add, "If it makes you more comfortable, we can wait out here until your mother gets home."

His fingers tap against the doorframe as he sighs. "Let me call her and see what she says." When we don't protest, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. "Hey, Mom... Yeah... No, the police are here, the ones from before, but I wanted to call you first... I don't know. One second." He puts the speaker to his palm, asking, "May I ask what this is about?"

"We received a call about a noise complaint coming from your house," John offers.

With a nod, he goes back to his phone. "Noise complaint... Yeah... Okay... Get back soon... Love you too." Once he hangs up, he closes the door on us. The chain slides loudly, so it's not a surprise when he opens it for us. "Please come in."

"Thank you," John and I tell him as he steps aside.

The door is shut behind us, and he returns to the stovetop to tend to some chicken. "Sorry, I have food cooking."

"That's fine. Is it okay to ask you a couple questions before your mother gets here?"

Without turning around, he shrugs his shoulders. "Sure."

"We'll get straight to it. We received several reports of screaming coming from this house. Do you have any idea what that could be about?"

"Uh, yeah, I think I do. I'm so sorry. I was watching horror movies last night, and I woke up screaming... I didn't think I'd caused such a disturbance. This has never happened to me before, I swear."

"Are you sure that was it?"

He nods after a moment of thought. "I can't imagine what else it would be. Excuse me." We step aside for him as he takes plates from the cupboards for the food on the stove. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, I don't think so. But if you don't mind, we'll wait here to talk to your mother."

"I don't mind."

We sit when he offers, turning his attention away from us and to finish making two plates. Minutes later, his mother is back and we repeat the questions to her. She gives us the same answers, so there's not much we can do.

"Adam, sweetie, I told you you shouldn't watch such things late at night." She pulls his head into her chest and turns to us. "I'm so sorry for the trouble we caused. Please apologize to the neighbors for us. We didn't mean to startle them. I fear the movies combined with his worry about Raiden's disappearance has been too much for him. Do you have any leads?"

John answers for me. "Nothing substantial, but we're checking out a couple things. We're waiting on a couple things to come back, but we're still looking for him."

"I'm glad. You'll tell us if anything comes up, won't you?"

"I'll tell you what we can. Well, Turner, I guess there's nothing else we can do here. Shall we leave them to their dinner?"

"Of course. Thank you for your time Adam, Mrs. McAllister. We'll be in touch."

As we take our leave, I catch John outside our squad car.

"Something's up with that family. I still think they have something to do with Raiden's disappearance."

"Oh, please," he scoffs. "You're just hearing what you want to hear. They asked how the investigation is going. If they were involved, they wouldn't be bringing that kind of attention to themselves."

"Watch your tone with me, John."

He throws his hands up and shrugs, bringing a halt to our conversation.

A/N: Oof, still no set schedule yet with everything going on. Still, we hit 12.5K views, which is a compromise between the original 15 I was thinking and the 11 that was suggested. In terms of the next chapter, I'll probably post it when I hit the next milestone of either views, votes, comments, or followers. I know it's close on a couple, so I'm hopefully going to be writing some more chapters to fulfill those incentives

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