Chapter 12

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[Like I said the crazy begins now]

2 weeks later....

"I'm so sick of this shit!" Cookie snapped walking into the house.

Lucious sighed dropping her hospital bag. This was the fourth trip for false contractions. They felt entirely like the real deal. They still had two weeks until she was full term. They were thinking he was coming early, but it seemed as if her body was playing games.

She was now almost always in pain. The false contractions, the back pain, her feet swelling, sudden upset stomach. Every other day it was back and forth to the hospital. Her docter was considering to enduce Cookie into labour.

The stress she was going through seemed to multiply with passing days. She was uncomfortable, barely got sleep. She was all and all up shits creek without a paddle. Right there with her though was Lucious. He was stressed for her.

Not only that, but his suspicion was at an all time high. Yesterday one of his drops were hit hard. Vernon and Don barely made it out with simple scratched from hopping fences. That attack had Frank written all over it.

He had so many questions. How he found out about the drop, and Why the sudden action when he's been laying extremely low. This was just the tip of the iceberg, who knew what lay beneath the water. He was determined to find out.

He hated to say it, but he needed a break from his wife. Her discomfort was his discomfort. Lately they had been constantly at each other's throats. Petty arguments at most. It got so bad the kids had called Bunky late at night one day. The boys woke up to shouting and lots of bumping. They had thought their parents were really going at it.

Bunky had rushed over only to find Cookie and Lucious were arguing about where the car keys were. They tore up them room looking for them while blaming each other. As a result of the boys being around them like that, both Lucious and Cookie agreed that they needed to cool off.

It worked, but now instead of big arguments it was annoyance with each other. The stress was eating at them. With Cookie going through what she was going through they had no way to relieve stress quickly. Normally a round of sex could have them relaxed enough to talk it out. Subtract sex from that well.....

"I know baby." He spoke.

He had deep sympathy for her. He couldn't imagine what she was feeling. They hadn't argued in a few hours which was a good sign. Mostly because they were even tired of doing that. Now it was anger in silence, the worst kind.

"Are you okay mommy?" Jamal asked from his seat on the couch. She looked over at him giving him a small smile and a nod.

"Andre bring me some Lemonade from the fridge. Make sure it's cold." Lucious ordered then gripped Cookies hand.

He slowly urged her up the stairs. Once in their room she started sniffling. Her eyes staring at the hole in the wall From Lucious when he punched it. He groaned cupping her face.

"What's wrong now?" He asked, she looked at him with a swirl of emotions dancing in her eyes.

"I'm sorry..." She spoke softly, her voice waved as of at any second she could bust out in tears. He glanced at the hole the back at her.

"For the hole? Baby I did that. It's okay, it's in the past." He spoke staring into her glossed eyes, if she blinked surly tears would fall.

"For everything. I know I've been taking things out on you and I'm sorry. Between the baby, not being able to eat much, not sleeping. I'm so worn out and irritable. You catch all my fire. I know you got things going on and I'm sorry you have to deal with me." She cried, and then tears started flowing.

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