You hang out

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Tamaki: Well he certainly didn't lie when he said he'd show you around.  Tamaki quickly learned that you are sorta shy to new things, but quickly warm up to them. So a few days later after school, he was walking you to the door. "So Y/n I was wondering if maybe you would like to hang out?  Out of school maybe tomorrow of course." Tamaki asked with a smile plastered on his face, like normal. You thought about it for a couple of minutes. "That sounds like fun Tamaki, how about you come over tomorrow at noon. I'll message you my address later." You said then walked out the door, leaving Tamaki to jump around, no longer trying to hide any of his excitement.

~Time skip to noon the next day~

You had been frantically trying to clean your room. Tamaki should be here soon, so you wanted everything perfect so you didn't mess up. Moments later you heard a knock on your door. "Miss Y/n you have friends here for you." One of your maids said before leaving. You opened the door to see the entire host club here, so you left it open and walked to your bed. "Heh I wasn't expecting all of you but um the more the merrier?" You said more like a question. It actually ended up being a great day in the end. You all got into the limo and went to a "commoners" Park.  You and Tamaki ended up talking to one another all day, but it was probably the best day you have all had. Well, not including Haruhi since this was a normal thing for her.

Kyoya: It was the weekend and you were taking a walk in the park. You just wanted a quiet place where you could sit and draw, since your house was never quiet why not come here?  As you found your bench to sit and draw you could feel another presence of someone else. Ignoring it, you began drawing the background where the trees were sitting. Suddenly someone sat on the bench next to you. Not bothered to look you continued. "That's magnificent really, have you considered selling your art?" None other than kyoya asked. You Snickered " No, but have you ever considered not bothering others while they work?" You looked up and smiled innocently at him. He smirked and shook his head "Touché  however, I wouldn't have thought I was bothering anyone." Pushing up his glasses he leaned back against the bench. You two continued to talk, as you absentmindedly just drew.

~Time skip~

Kyoya had walked you home and bid you goodnight. You went up to your room and sat on your bed, opening your sketchbook.  Your were shocked but not exactly surprised to see that you had drawn kyoya. He was sitting on the bench in the middle of the trees you drew before hand. "Maybe I should sell my work." You smiled softly.

Honey: You had wanted to go see a movie and have some you time, but when got there it had been closed. They said someone was renting it out. You were pouting and about to argue when Honey and Mori walked towards the door. "Y/n~chan?  Why are you pouting?" Honey stopped, and asked you with a slight head tilt. " The movie theater is being rented out so I don't get to watch one." You sighed and continued to pout. Honey smiled big and grabbed your hand, dragging you into the movies with Mori following right behind.

~Time skip~

You ended up watching three movies. Well, it was more just the two of you talking the entire time but you both had fun. Until the movie ended and it was time to go. "Noo y/n I wanna keep talking!" Honey exclaimed as he stood up. "I know Honey but it's late. Plus we can always do this again,if you'd like?" You suggested as the three of you made it outside. "Ohh yes!  We can do something tomorrow! But there's school, so next weekend!" Honey was practically bouncing off the walls. They offered to give you a ride home, but before you could respond your limo pulled up. "Next time Honey. Bye Mori!  Bye Honey!" You waved and proceeded to get in your ride. 

Mori: The first session had been a success, so he had asked you to come back on Saturday. Not really knowing how to tell him you'd rather sleep, you agreed. So here you are walking down the street at nine in the morning." We couldn't have done it later. Maybe he has plans for later?  Or He just wanted to get me out of his way." You were slightly panicking as different scenarios played in your mind. You had been so caught up in your thoughts you hadn't realized you were at the door already. You shook your head and knocked on the door, waiting as you normally did. Instead of a maid answering Mori did with a small smile on his face. "Oh, h-hi Mori!  I should come in s-shouldn't I?" You asked while chewing on the end of your fingernail. He nodded and moved to the side, as you slipped into the house.

~Time skip~

You guys had started out by doing Work until Mori had actually started to talk to you. Instead of actually working you guys talked about nothing, and everything all at once. You couldn't explain it but Mori made you feel comfortable, no worries or frets about anything. "Thank you so much for having me over." You said with a smile. "Your welcome. Monday work for you next time?" He asked. You nodded your head and turned on your phone, only to get up and scurry to the door which made Mori stand as well. "T-thank you again but I got t-to go!" You ran out of his room to leave. Confused Mori checked the time to see it was ten a clock at night. He went to his window to watch you run out the door and back down the street. 

Hikaru and kaoru: These two had been following you everywhere at school, as well as dragging you to the host club. It was like all the girls liked watching them fight over you. Although some of the things they said were amusing. You were all dressed and ready to go on your jog, as you opened the door you saw the twins standing ready to knock. "Oh hey Y/N we were just coming to get you." Hikaru said. You stared at them for a moment, then walked outside shutting the door behind you. "How did you two find my house?" You started walking as they followed. "Your friend. " Hikaru started. "Rebecca told us." Kaoru ended as they both smiled. You rolled your eyes and began jogging as they followed. "Of course she did. I'm gonna get her back!" You shouted as you slowly sped up, them right behind you. "Let us help!  We can pull the perfect prank!" They said in unison. You smiled evilly and agreed, but after the run.

~time skip~

You three were sitting at the park to catch your breath. That and to plan the so called "perfect prank" But nevertheless you all had fun. You learned a lot about these two goofs and they were surprised you could tell them apart. Maybe that's the reason they were so drawn to you?  As you guys were all talking, clouds started to roll in and that's when you all agreed to do this again sometime. The twins stood up and Both grabbed one of your hands, pulling you up as well. "You guys should come run with me more often." You said stretching, then walking ahead of them. "That can be arranged." They both said mischievously.

Haruhi: You wanted to get away from this privileged life you had. Maybe most teens liked it or wanted it but not you. So you were at the "commomers" Market, just to see what it's like. It really wasn't that big of a deal just calm and uneventful, just the way you'd honestly prefer it. "Y/n?" You heard a familiar voice say. You swiftly turned around and came face to face with Haruhi, who was in a dress. "Oh hi Haruhi! It's good to see you." Smiling, you walked over to her. "It's good to see you to but I thought you were rich. Excuse my rudeness but why are you here?" She asked picking up some apples. Frowning you rubbed the back of your neck. "Not everyone likes being rich erm well, I don't anyways. So places like this make me happy." Her eyes slightly widened as realization hit her. "Well you are more than welcome to walk with me." At that, your smile came back. "That'd be great!"

~Time skip~

You had helped carry the groceries back to her apartment. As you were helping her put them away, you couldn't help but look around. What you would give just to live like this again is unbelievable. After awhile you two sat in her room just talking. It was like she understood anything you said, never once questioning you like others did. "Well it's getting late I should probably go." You stood up and she walked you to the front door. "Hey y/n?" She asked before you walked out. "Yes Haruhi?" You turned and faced her, your back towards the railing. "Promise me that you won't tell anyone I'm a girl, only a few people know and it's only so I can pay off a debt." She said slightly nervous. You smiled softly " My lips are sealed." You acted like you zipped them. She laughed and said goodbye, shutting the door as you walked to the stairs. "What debt?"


This hasn't been edited,  I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 1655

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