How you first meet

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Tamaki: You walked into the big pink castle like school, dragging the bottom of the yellow frilly dress. You had gotten a couple sizes to big. Not that you liked the dress to begin with. You walked down the hallway and attempted to ignore all the people staring at you. You made your way to the front office to collect your schedule and maybe get a proper tour of the school. "Ah you must be miss Y/n, here's your schedule. I was told to inform you that the person who will show you around, is in the principals office." The secretary said handing you the small, white paper. Then pointing towards the brown door that had the word principal imprinted in gold on it. You walked towards the door and knocked softly. "Come in" You heard a deep voice say. So you turn the handle and opened the door, only to see Yuzuru the principal along with this very attractive blonde boy. "Oh dear, miss Y/n your dress is a little big. We must get that fixed!" Exclaimed the principal. Before you could even say anything he was talking again. "Tamaki give her a tour of the school and get her a better dress. " With a smile Tamaki walked up to you and grabbed your hand, placing a gentle kiss upon it then linking arms with you to begin the tour.

~Time skip to walking down the halls~

"So what brings you here princess?" He asked with genuine curiosity. "Well I wanted to come to a real school, home schooling just wasn't for me. Just new e-experience's right?" You responded sheepishly while looking up at him. "Don't worry my dear! I'll help you around. But for now let's go get you a better dress. " He winked down at you causing you to blush as he dragged you down the hallway even farther.

Kyoya: You were reading in the school library, where you normally are. You were trying to buy some time before you have to go home. Suddenly the doors burst open and in walks the host club. "We will study here men!" Shouted the slightly tall blonde, as the few people in there shushed him. You rolled your eyes at his foolishness and stood up, already knowing they'd cause a ruckus and gathered your things. You left, unknowingly leaving your art book behind. Well Kyoya noticed and walked over to it, grabbing it and following after you. By the time he had gotten out of the school you had disappeared completely out of sight. Interested he wrote in his own notebook and turned, going back to the library.

~time skip to the next day but the same time~

Once again you were reading your book but this time the host club had beat you to the library. Not wanting to leave you just stayed and kept reading. Hearing someone clear their throat you look up to find a tall, handsome boy with black hair and glasses. "Excuse me miss for interrupting you but you had left this behind yesterday. " He pushes up his glasses as he handed you the art book. "If I were you I'd try to keep my stuff more together. I'm kyoya by the way. " He smiled and held out his hand. You gently took ahold of it, with a matching smile. " I'm Y/n and it's a pleasure to meet you. If I can repay you for this let me know. " Kyoya's smile turned more into a smirk. "I shall keep that in mind miss."

Honey: You were walking down the street with all your friends. They were laughing and making jokes about your height, You are short but not as short as most. Anyways as you all were heading to the cake shop, you could see a group of guys surrounding the front doors. Your friends were whispering to one another as you stared at the ground. "Well hello princesses, it's nice to see you here. And who is this? " Tamaki gushed as he bent down slightly to your level. You puffed your cheeks out and pouted slightly. "I'm Y/n and please mister sir man don't treat me like a kid! I go to your school! " You replied while sassily putting your hands on your hips. Meanwhile the others just watched as Tamaki backed up slightly, nervous but intrigue. You noticed that the cake shop was closed, so you looked down sadly. "Common Y/n we'll get you cake we promise." One of your friends said dragging you away as you whined. "Nooooo, I want it nooowww!"

~time skip to the next day at school~

You were sitting at lunch with your chin on the table, with a pout on your face. You still hadn't gotten cake. Suddenly a plate with a small piece of cake was slid in front of you. Swiftly sitting up you saw the smaller, cute boy with blonde hair from yesterday, sitting across from you with a huge smile on his face. "I get sad to when I don't get cake so here! I already had some. " He laughed and squeezed the stuffed bunny he had in his arms tightly against his body. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'm Y/n by the way! " You took the fork and ate a small bit of the cake. "I'm Mitsukuni but you can call me honey!"

Mori: You were beyond nervous to meet your new tutor. You are homeschooled for many reasons, mainly for your social anxiety. You have been looking for a tutor since your parents can't be around a lot. So they found you a high school student named Takashi, that was willing to help you. So here you were walking down the road to some rich kid's house, seeing as you were a 'commoner' not that you cared. "I can't believe he is actually doing this for f-free. What if something bad happens!" You said to yourself as you walked up to the door of the house you needed to be, at least you thought this should be the right house. You softly knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to answer. After about two minutes a maid opened the door. "Yes? May I help you miss? " She asked with pure kindness. " I-I'm uh I'm y-y/n I was told this was t-takashi's hou-" You and your stammering were cut off as the door opened more to see a very tall boy, with a strong build and dark black hair. "Ah! Master Takashi your 'student' is here. You may handle the rest from here. " And with a bow, the maid was gone. You stared up at the tall boy as he opened the door wider for you to come in. Catching on, you rushed inside and stood to the side as he shut the door and looked down at you. "I-im Y/n and you must um be Takashi r-right?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. "No. Call me mori."

Hikaru and kaoru: All your friends could ever talk about were these twins. You never understood what they, and the host club did that made them such a big deal. So today you decided to go with your friend Rebecca to see what the big deal was. "You are going to love this! Be prepared for SEDUCTION BABY! " She yelled then pushed open the doors. Rose petals flew everywhere as you stood, very unamused. "Hello princesses. " A quantity of voices all said in harmony. "This is gonna be a long afternoon" You thought to yourself.

~time skip. You are sitting at the table with the twins~

Theses twin were holding onto one another and flirting with the guests, as well as showing off interest in each other. As the others Fangirled over it all, you found more interest in planning some revenge on Rebecca. "Hey, why aren't you talking to us princess?" The twins asked at once. You snapped your head up and looked around, almost like you forgot where you were. "Eh, you do you." You responded and shrugged your shoulders, causing Rebecca to nudge you and laugh uncomfortably. All that did was intrigue the twins further more. Looking at each other they both nodded, as if understanding a plan they hadn't created. "Why don't you come sit here instead. " Hikaru said as he pulled you out of your chair and onto their laps. "Hikaru, you have to share the pretty girl!" Kaoru whined and wrapped his arms around your waist. The girls were all squealing as the two fought over you. "Get some Y/n! So cute!" Rebecca gushed in her seat. As all this happened at once, you just sat with a bored expression on your face thinking 'this is my life now.'

Haruhi: You always hated when your friends would point out guys they thought would go good with you. No matter how many times you would tell them that you aren't interested, they still persisted that it was just a faze. You left the group of friends you were with to go on a walk, mainly to get away from them at the time. You walked down the road to clear your head. Holding up your dress slightly, to keep it from tearing. You walked for awhile until someone ran into you, both of you falling to the ground. As you fell you could hear many males yell. "Haruhi!" So swiftly you stood up and ran away before anyone could say anything.

~Time skip to the next day~

You were walking down the Hall with your friends when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around to come face to face with someone who had short brown hair, and beautiful Hazel eyes. "I would just like to say that I'm sorry for bumping into you, and I wanted to say this in person. But when I went to apologize you had already run off." They said rubbing the back of their neck. You smiled kindly at them. "I'm sorry to, I'm Y/n by the way." You replied, sticking your hand out. They grasped yours firmly but caring as if they were scared to hurt you. "I'm Haruhi it's nice to actually meet you. I have to get back to the host club before they freak out." They waved goodbye as they left. Your friends were hinting to you that Haruhi liked you, since 'he' was from the host club. But you were lost in your own thoughts. "I wonder why she was wearing a boy's uniform? Better yet why they are calling her a he."

I hope you guys enjoyed! I honestly enjoyed writing it. Feel free to make suggestions and requests. Peace out lovelys

Word count: 1801

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