The literature club

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I go to the top floor and search for the room I recall from the flier. 
"WHA?? Y/N What are you doing here??"
"So you're the special Y/N Satori's always talking about, Nice to have a change and have a girl join our club," Speaks a small, pink haired male.
"Thank you for stopping by, we always appreciate new members!" Murmurs a tall, shy boy.
"This is Yuki, the tall formal one and Naruki. The personality of the group!" I smile and wave at them
"It's a pleasure to be working with you!"
"Working, Y/N your not-"
"Joining the literature club, well Surprise!"
"No WAY!" He screams and pulls me into an embrace and jumps up and down.  "We're an official club!"
"And coincidently I made cupcakes for everyone!" Naruki smiles and lifts a tray of white cupcakes and offers everyone one. Naruki and Satori sit down while I explore around the club room.
Suddenly, Yuki bumps into me making me fall onto a desk with Yuki on top of me. In a jumble of sorrys and nervous laughing we finally separated. Yuki rushes off and gets a tea set while I go sit down next to Satori. We chat and Yuki carefully pores us some tea.
"Do you read?" 
"I uhm I read manga,"
"Manga? I keep a whole set in the cupboard and if you wanna sometime read it."
"And if you want to try something new we will read my favourite horror novel," Yuki pipes in 
"We'll all try something new!" Satori smiles sweetly, his eyes are glowing brighter than I've ever noticed. They meeting goes by very quickly and it's five thirty. 
"Well, looks like the meetings over. As the president I here by say that you are all dismissed!" Satori turns to me "Was that cool?" I giggle and nod.

Everyone packs up their stuff and leaves, leaving me and Satori alone...

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