Welcome back!

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"Hi again, Y/N Good to see you didn't run away from us, welcome back!" Moniko greets me as I slid the door open "Glad to be back!" I place my bag on a chair and Yuki stands up "Thanks for keeping your promise, Y/N," Yuki smiled sweetly "This isn't overwhelming for you, making you dive headfirst into literature?" I shook my head and Naruki pipes up "Don't make it seem like she's done all the work, she didn't even want to join any clubs this year!" Satori must of told him "Or even last year!" Naruki stormed towards me "Don't take us seriously and you'll never get the end of it," He threatened "Such a big mouth for a girly manga lover?" Moniko teased "You keep your manga in the cupboard." Naruki stood there shocked while me and Yuki sniggered "MANGA IS LITERATURE!" Naruki shrieks stomping his foot down, it was clear that he tried to think of a quick comeback. "Don't worry, Y/N always does her best as long as he's having fun!" Satori  joined the conversation wearing a big grin on his face "How dependable," Yuki whispers "And I helped you clean your house that one time after you almost set it on Fire!" I exclaimed "Wow you two are really close, aren't you?" Yuki stared at the floor twirling his fair hair "I'm kind of jealous." Satori lost his grin "You know you two can become the best of friends too. I mean like Yuki you brought Y/N something," Satori, completely oblivious of how awkward he was making Yuki feel, placed a hand on Yuki's shoulder and it was my turn to rescue the situation "It's fine, i wasn't expecting anything at all and even if you did, I would deeply appreciate it!" I shone a sweet smile to Yuki and he sighed "Here." Yuki slid a book out of his bag and placed it in my hands "So you don't feel left out." How can he be so accidentally cute? "Wow thanks, I'll surely read this!"

"Okay everyone!" Moniko starts getting everyone's attention but is dragged away by Sayori in a conversation, Yuki is reading away while Naruki rummages around in a closet. I wanted to talk to Yuki a bit more but not wanting to disturb him I went into a daze and he caught me staring. "Oh sorry, I was spacing out," I sigh "It's fine," Yuki seemed to hide in the book more now "Isn't that the book you gave me?" I ask slightly intrigued "Yes, I just wanted to re read some parts." He smiles and I go to sit down next to him "What's it about?" 
"It's about this girl in high school who moves in with her long lost sister, but as soon as she does strange things start to happen in her life like these people target her from a human experiment prison and while her life is in danger, she needs to desperately choose who to trust but no matter what she does her relationships keep on crashing down and her life is falling apart."
"that's a bit." Dark isn't it? I wanted to say it but it would've hurt his feeling a bit "Oh sorry I was rambling wasn't I," 
"Hey no it's fine. If anything I'm intrigued I might start reading it now!" that strikes a spark in Yuki's heart "Great."
I read the prologue and soon find out what Yuki was talking about but he wasn't looking at his copy but at mine. I raise and eyebrow but he apologises but I slid the book in-between us and carry on reading. Our shoulders were touching and Yuki flips the page whenever I turn to him.
"Yuki the main character reminds a bit of you,"
"I'm not a girl though,"
"No no her personality always scared of saying the wrong thing." Yuki blushes "Y/N I..."
"Okay Everyone!" Moniko interrupts "Time to share poems!"

I walk over to Satori who's poem was written on what seemed like a scrap piece of torn notebook paper while the others wrote theirs in the notebook Moniko gave to us "Satori what happened to your notebook Moniko gave you?"
"I kinda forgot it here," 
"Okay let's read your poem,"
"Wow this is really good are you sure this is yours?" I nod at him 
Satori's poem was really good,
Dear sunshine,
The way you glow through my blinds in the morning 
Makes me feel like you've missed me
Kissing my forehead to help me out of bed.
Making me rub the sleepy from my eyes. 
Are you asking me to come out and play?
 Are you trusting me to wish away a rainy day?
 I look above. The sky is blue.It's a secret, but I trust you too.
 If it wasn't for you, I could sleep forever.But I'm not mad.
 I want breakfast.

DDLC X Reader (Male x female)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum