Good morning Satori!!!

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It's another school day like any other. I'm walking to school, my H/C hair flowing in the wind. Everyone around me is walking in two or groups. I sigh for I am always walking by myself. Until, someone taps my shoulder,
"Morning Y/N!" It's Satori, my childhood best friend. We used to walk to school together every day and we've picked up that habit recently!
"Are you proud of me Y/N!"
"For what exactly?" 
"For waking up on time, did you really not realise?" I laugh 
"Yes, I am very proud of you Satori,"
"Yay!" We continue to walk to school "Have you considered joining a club?"
"When have I sa-" I remember that Satori is starting a club of his own "Actually yeah,"
"Really?! Tell me! Please!" I smile
"It'll ruin the surprise!" He pulls a face "Hey, you'll find out soon enough!"

The school day passes so quickly and I pack my things to go to the club.

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