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Moniko stood in front of me, no one else was there
"Uhm, Y/N. Let's step out for a bit." 

Moniko lead me outside, "Sorry, they shouldn't get you involved, I brought you out here to get out of that."
"We'll go back inside when it's finished,"
"You know this might of affected your relationship with them. If so then I'm here!"

Suddenly, Naruki rushed out of the classroom stared at me his eyes all puffy and pushed passed me.
"Oh no but I guessed that means it's finished."

We walk back into the clubroom but Yuki was sitting down whispering "I didn't mean it," over and over again, I place a hand on his shoulder. 
"I DIDN'T MEAN IT Y/N PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!" He lept up and held me by my shoulders.
"It's fine Yuki, I'm sure Naruki will forget about it by tomorrow, completely," Moniko winked
"Moniko, can I stay behind today,"
"I need to discuss my book with Y/N,"
"As president I need to be the last one out,"
"As vice president, I should have that responsibility." Moniko sighed 
"I don't really have a choice, see you guys later!"

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