Tea and cupcakes

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I sat down next to Satori avoiding any attention from the others. Satori then piped up "Okay, now the cupcakes. I'll go-"
"I made them so I'll get them!" screamed Naruki knocking the chair over, Yuki shivered not liking the loud noise and slowly rise, "I'll go get some tea," He said while lifting Naruki's chair and going to the corner to a cupboard. Moniko hid something on his lap smiling at me placing his elbows on the table and crossed his finger, resting his chin on them. Yuki brought out a tea set "Tea?" I was a bit confused "don't worry the teachers gave us permission," I nodded "And what's better than a good book and some soothing camomile." Naruki proudly slammed a tray down wrapped in tinfoil. "Ready? Okay!" He lifted the tinfoil and revealed a dozen white, fluffy cupcakes in the shape of cats. Satori gasped loudly and everyone took one. I grabbed one and hesitated to eat it, it looked so good that I couldn't find a good place to start. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Naruki eyeballing me as if he was waiting for me to take a bite. I unwrapped the cupcake and took a big bite. The icing was sweet and fluffy and the chocolate chips gave it a little kick. I swallowed heaven "Woah this is really good, Thanks Naruki!" Naruki scoffed "Yeaaphh disph is weely good!" Satori tried to speak with his mouth full and was smiling, "Phanks Naruki!" Naruki once again scoffed and turned away. "Seriously though Naruki, these are wonderful!" I gave a warm smile "Hey! It's not like I," haven't I heard this before "Made them for you or anything." I shrug turning away from the weird conversation. 

Yuki walked past accidently pushing me a little "Oh my I am sorry!" His tame voice rose a little and he twirled his hair again, "It's okay, I'm fine." He walked off blushing and placed a teacup in front of each chair. Then, a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Moniko who surprisingly had been standing there the whole time and he asks "So, what made you think of joining the literature club?" Just great, the question of horror. I try to think of a answer but it comes out as a stumble "Well uhm I saw that Satori was happy here so I thought why not eheh," I did a little pity laugh trying to hide the truth "Don't be embarrassed, I'll make you feel right at home. As the president it's my duty!" He puffed his chest out a bit and pulled a smirk "Moniko, just a quick question?" he nodded "How come you started your own club?" Moniko gasped a little "Well, politics were just a bit boring for me, I couldn't stand it anymore," He looks at the floor and smiled "Moniko is a great leader!" Satori interrupted and Yuki nodded while preparing the tea, "Aha then I'm surprised they're aren't any others then." Moniko chuckled "Well, I believe that before we graduate that this will be a great club, right guys?" Everyone nodded enthusiastically and some mutters. So different guys all set on the same goal! Yuki turned to me, still a little embarrassed from the incident, "So, Y/N what kind of books do you like to read?"
"Well, uhm." I stuttered a bit and a small feel of guilt for my lack of reading stung me "Manga," I sigh but that seemed to strike Naruki's attention "Not much of a reader, I guess," Yuki muttered to himself "Well, what kind of books do you like reading huh?" I provoked a tiny bit "Well, my favorite are when stories build a deep complex world full of fantasy!" He seemed really happy about this conversation, "Oh and psychological elements usually strike me as exciting!" I nod and agree while Satori laughs because he knows that I know nothing about what he's talking about "And my favourite, Horror!" He rose his voice a little to show his love for it, "Oh yeah,me too," I say trying to get a little bond going. "Ugh horror is so lame," Naruki mutters while taking a sip of tea but Yuki heard "And your reason is?" 
"It's just a bit lame," he looks at me seeing if I was at all insulted
"That's probably because you like cute and fluffy things don't you Naruki!" I bit my hand to stop me from laughing at his girliness as Moniko raised an eyebrow 
"WHAT, No not at all!"
"I know you kept a scrap piece of paper from yesterday," Moniko smiled sweetly as Naruki did his signature scoff
"No need to keep it a secret, it fits your personality perfectly!" Satori chuckles and places an arm around Naruki, "I'M NOT CUTE!" Naruki shakes Satori off him and takes another cupcake.
"Naruki, you write Poems?"
"Sometimes, What's it to you!"
"Just wondering maybe you could share them sometime?" He shrugs and takes a bit out of his cupcake
"That has gave me a great Idea!" He got the things he had been hiding and gave us each a notebook, I got a F/C one. My favourite.
"Today everyone will go home and write a poem and then we'll share them tomorrow, Okay?" We all look confused "Yeah, let's do it!" Satori cheers and everyone nods
"Wait, there's just one problem!" Moniko tilts his head "I never said I would join this club." I looked down not wanting to see everyone's sad expression "But, I've loved it here so," I can't het these hot guys out of my head "I'll join the literature club!" I smile, One by one the all smile "Satori, lifted me from the chair and spun me around "Yayayyayay!" Being this close to him made me blush a bit 
"Yay!" Yuki gave a little cheer 
"If you just came here for the cupcakes I would be super pissed!" Naruki managed to show a soft smile "Okay then, Welcome to the literature club!" Moniko jumped up 

"Okay everyone that leaves this meeting on a good note and don't forget your assignments!" I put my notebook in my bag and watch as Yuki and Naruki bicker about what is there favourite book genre, "Since your already here wanna walk home together?" Satori smiled and I nod.

All the way back I couldn't get the guys out of my head 

Satori, my childhood best friend

Satori, my childhood best friend

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Naruki, the childish tsundere

Naruki, the childish tsundere

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Yuki, the timid soul 

And, Moniko the brainy one

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And, Moniko the brainy one

j̶̯͎̊͑͗͊̋̿͂̕u̸͍̮̘͖̻̤̙̝̒͆̂͒̒̂̓̑̓̕̕s̷͉͌̉͂̆͆͑́͆͛́̚͠͠t̵͉̫̖̹̭͖̘͉̖̠̾̍̅̆̃͘͝͝ͅ ̶̨̪̖̱̹̥̜͉͙̗͂͛̈́̔̅͂̾́̿͊͑̕͝m̵̧̛͉͉̼̘̮͖̠̟̻͚̖̘̗̬͒͐̿͆̅̒̚ȍ̶̢̡̼̬̹̮̣̗̯͔̫͜ͅn̷̢̠͔̰̱̲̓i̵̞͎̫̪̐̀̇k̷̨̢̛̞͖̼̰͈̩̕ȯ̷̝̓̈  

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j̶̯͎̊͑͗͊̋̿͂̕u̸͍̮̘͖̻̤̙̝̒͆̂͒̒̂̓̑̓̕̕s̷͉͌̉͂̆͆͑́͆͛́̚͠͠t̵͉̫̖̹̭͖̘͉̖̠̾̍̅̆̃͘͝͝ͅ ̶̨̪̖̱̹̥̜͉͙̗͂͛̈́̔̅͂̾́̿͊͑̕͝m̵̧̛͉͉̼̘̮͖̠̟̻͚̖̘̗̬͒͐̿͆̅̒̚ȍ̶̢̡̼̬̹̮̣̗̯͔̫͜ͅn̷̢̠͔̰̱̲̓i̵̞͎̫̪̐̀̇k̷̨̢̛̞͖̼̰͈̩̕ȯ̷̝̓̈  

word count:1183 

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