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Another day passes and it's time for the club meeting!
I meet Satori outside the club room and we walk in together, all the others were in there already. For some reason, I feel so comfortable in the club I don't think that I need Satori anymore. No that's stupid and it'll break his heart.

We walk in to the usual scene, "Hey everyone!" Satori beams but the others take no notice of us. Satori turned to me "Hey, Y/N!" I sigh "What is it?" 
"I'm hungry, will you come with me to get one?" 
"I'm fine here,"
"What, Why?"
"I have my reasons."
"Like what?"
"Gimme your wallet Satori!" I frantically grab the green wallet he had hiding in his blazer
"What are you doing? Why all of this all of a sudden?" He was blushing about me being so close 
"No reason just wanted a peek." I tore open the Velcro, inside was a picture of me and Satori as kids and of the literature club. I smiled and tipped the wallet upside down. Two small coins drop out, I give Satori the 'Uhm Yeah!" Look,
"Just as expected,"
"No fair! How did you know?" 
"If you had enough money you would've bought a snack in the first place before we met up, simple really."
Yuki suddenly giggles looking up from his book for a second "Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt,"
"Yuki tell Y/N to gimme money!" 
"I uhm." Yuki goes back to his book hiding his face. Satori murmurs something along the lines of "Useless book bag," I didn't question it though "There is a little devil inside of us all isn't there Y/N?" I nod at Yuki "Yes, I tricked Naruki into baking cupcakes so you would join the club!" Satori blurts out and holds his hands to his mouth. Suddenly something hits Satori in the face, a cookie?
"Ahhhhahhaha!" Naruki is practically rolling on the floor "I was gonna give it to you but this is way funnier!" 
"Thank you anyway!" Satori tears open the wrapper with his teeth and chomps at the baked treat "Ow I bit my ton!" Satori sticks his tongue and waves his hands while Naruki eats his own "Wow yours looks so good," Satori's eyes sparkled "Gimme some!" Naruki hugs his cookie close to his chest and Satori grunts "Well thank you for letting me have this one!" Satori hugs Naruki from behind. It triggered my fujoshi side but I kept in concealed in. But, Naruki goes to whack Satori over the head with the cookie Satori lifts his neck and grabs a bite out of Naruki's cookie. I chuckled along with Yuri "You can be such a kid, wait until Moniko-" Naruki glances around the room "Where's Mr smartypants?" I look and No, Moniko isn't in the clubroom. "He's probably at a different club cuz he's tired of this one," Naruki folds his arms.


Moniko ran into the clubroom and fell into a chair "Sorry, super duper sorry!" I offer a hand but he get's up himself "MONIKO WHY WOULD YOU GO TO ANOTHER CLUB WITHOUT TELLING US!" Satori cries "What?" Naruki puffed his chest out "Having fun with this new girlfriend of yours?" Moniko is startled "I don't have a girlfriend or a new club," Moniko smiled at me as an thank you "I was late because I had study hall," 
"If you had study hall then why didn't you hear the bell?" Naruki interrogates Moniko
"I was practising piano,"
"Piano?" Yuki asks "You must show us your talent,"
"Maybe when I get a bit better at it." 

Everyone settles in but I was so tired I just fell asleep on the spot, though I could hear Satori and Moniko.
"It's not going to be as cool as any other clubs though!"
"Who gives a damh? It's gonna be awesome."
"Maybe for the festival," 
"I'll ask Naruki to bring cupcakes!" 

It sounded weird satori speaking seriously, I was admiring Satori a little. His eyes, his motivation. All so perfect, I wanna see the world through his eyes.

I wake up seeing Satori in my face almost staring "Oh sorry, but you shouldn't be napping!" I groan "At least I'm not oversleeping again, it's written all over you Satori!" I stand and start meddling with his clothing and hair. "What are you?" 

 "What are you?" 

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