Chapter Three "Heroic Rivalry Part I"

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In the sanctuary of her bedroom, Twilight rested underneath the thick quilt on her bed. The sun's light pierced through the curtains, bringing life into her home. She stretched her hooves over her head and let out a soft yawn. Birds sat on the outside of her window before they spread their wings and flew off into the sky. Twilight forced herself out of bed and made her way to the same window, using her hooves to open it once she was close enough.

A gentle breeze greeted her, brushing her violet and pink strands of hair behind her neck. Ponyville, while still damaged from last night's attack, was already showing significant recovery. Thanks to Celestia's prized workers, the entire town seemed only a day away from returning to its former glory. Peace seemed to have returned, and Twilight was able to breathe a little easier.

"Twilight!" Spike screamed from downstairs, snapping her out of her daydream. She galloped down the stairs and found Spike latched around Peter's neck, throwing an array of wild slaps at his head with a rolled-up newspaper. "I found this guy sleeping in the living room! He must have broken in!"

"Spike! Wait!" Twilight lowered her head and aimed her horn at the pair, using her magic to levitate Spike away. Peter remained on his stomach with his mane drooped over his eyes and limbs stretched out. Spike was finally placed down in front of Twilight. "Do you remember Spider-Pony?"

He scratched the side of his head in a questionable manner. "That weird guy you brought here through that magic door? Yeah."

She glanced over at Peter. "This is Peter, the very same pony. The spell I used to summon him here was one-way, so I can't send him back now." Sadness filled her eyes. "Princess Celestia decided to allow him to stay with us for a while. I was going to tell you last night, but you were already asleep."

"Really?" Spike's eyes widened. He tossed his paper weapon away and ran over to Peter's side. "Sorry about that! I didn't recognize you without your costume. My name's Spike."

Peter maintained a blank stare, chuckling under his breath. "Don't worry about it, kid. I've had ruder awakenings." He extended his hoof out to Spike, who accepted it without hesitation.

Twilight walked over to Peter with a smile on her face. "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

Placing his hooves firmly on the ground, Peter flipped to a vertical base but stumbled back to his stomach upon landing. He exhaled loudly. His sense of balance seemed to be abandoning him much like his powers. With no danger around, his instincts weren't at their peak, and his natural clumsiness was beginning to take over. He made his way back up, much slower this time.

"I did, all things considered, but I don't know how long it will take for me to adjust to this," he paused before raising his front and back hoof alternatively. "Being a pony, I mean. Walking on all fours is a total pain."

Twilight frowned slightly. "I can imagine. It'll take time to adjust."

Peter hopped over to the couch, where his pillow and quilt rested, and sighed. He slid his hoof underneath the quilt, but it slipped free from his grasp attempt. He tried again, only for the same thing to happen.

He forced out a groan and slammed his hoof into the floor. "Not having any fingers sucks, too."

"I can take care of that."

Twilight walked over to the couch while her horn glowed with magical energy. She shifted her head, causing the closet door behind her to open, and with a second shift, sent the pillow flying to the highest shelf inside. Peter's eyes widened once he saw the quilt fold itself up and follow the pillow's lead, finding a spare shelf. Twilight closed her eyes, using the same magic to close the door. Once she turned around, a smile formed on her face at the sight of Peter's slack-jawed expression.

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