Chapter Eleven "Alone in the Gala Part I"

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Chapter Eleven "Alone in the Gala Part I"

Canterlot, truly a kingdom of beauty, stood like a beacon of luminous light in the night. Ponies gathered from all around Equestria and made their way into the castle. Just outside of the main gate arrived a pair of carriages, each towed by four stallions. Once the first came to a complete stop, the side door flew open and out bounced Pinkie Pie, who wore a smile as bright as her sky blue dress. The buildings around her practically sparkled, much like the stars in her eyes.

"It's even prettier than I remember!" she cheered, bouncing in place.

Applejack emerged from the carriage with a dress that matched her emerald irises. "Calm down now, Pinkie. We just got here," she calmly suggested, unaware her grin was just as wide as her friend's.

Right behind the blonde, Fluttershy quietly trotted out of the carriage with a leaf-colored dress as green as the forest and as dainty as her figure. She closed her eyes and giggled, softly agreeing to Applejack's statement. Rainbow Dash stepped out but stopped the moment her rainbow-patterned dress landed on the ground. Her expression turning blank, she poked her head back inside of the carriage.

"Twilight, stop worrying and come on!"

No response. Rainbow exhaled before she hopped back inside, causing Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy to stare at the opened door with question. After a brief moment of point-counterpoint banter between the two, Twilight clumsily staggered out of the carriage but managed to recollect her balance once she landed amongst her friends. Her hooves began pacing in place underneath her blue star-patterned dress, which only fueled the majority of her friend's befuddlement. Rainbow Dash, however, clopped her hooves together, managing to snap the unicorn from her daydream.

"Look, I don't know what you're so worried about, but it's really getting out of hoof," she said roughly. Rainbow's posture remained firm, but once the mare sighed lowly, she allowed an apologetic smile to surface. "You've been like this all day. I just want to know what's wrong."

Twilight's mind continued to endlessly scold her for her acts of ignorance. Not only would her teacher find out that her supposed 'prized' student neglected her duties, but her supposed friend would learn that Twilight wasn't as trustworthy as she'd like to be. This truth felt as heavy as the weight of an Ursa Major, and Twilight could not bear to keep it hidden for much longer.

She let out a defeated sigh. Perhaps it was time her friends learned he truth about the book. Twilight opened her mouth, but before any words could have been formed, the door to the second carriage opened, causing everypony's gaze to shift in its direction. First, Spike rushed out, wearing a black tux top with a red bow tie snapped perfectly below his chin. As he held the door open in a chivalrous manner, Rarity emerged, sporting a crimson dress that held several diamonds within its seams.

Though Rarity stood with beauty and grace (as usual), something was noticeably amiss about the mare. Her cheeks were stained with a deep shade of crimson, and considering her coat was as white as snow, it was impossible to not notice. This oddity only added to Twilight's ever-growing anxiousness thus adding more negative thoughts to her mind.

"Rarity..." Twilight called out before her frantic mind intruded. 'Why does she look so flushed? Is it because she's embarrassed? That means Peter's outfit must look horrible!' She shook her head. 'That must be the case! It explains why she's so quiet. Somepony as proud as Rarity would never claim anything hideous!' Her hooves began shuffling in place, displaying her nervousness. 'This is not good. Peter will make a horrible first impression if he comes dressed like a slob! Princess Celestia will never forgive me for letting this happen!'

"Twilight, dear."

"Yes?!" Twilight blurted out in response to Rarity's calm yet concerned voice.

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