Chapter Forty-Five "Homecoming, Part III

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Chapter Forty-Five "Homecoming, Part III"

Thirty Days Remain until the portal closes...

Within the walls of Stark Tower, everyone sat together in the main lobby. Upon Tony's request, it was cleared so that the briefing went uninterrupted. After a well-deserved good night's rest, the heroes woke early and gathered. Peter sat at the round table in costume without his mask. SHIELD's director-in-chief, Nick Fury, already knew his identity before his disappearance as did Tony and Logan. Peter considered Thor a friend, and he greatly admired Captain America. Sharing his secret with those two wasn't too difficult of a choice to make, especially since his return to Earth was only temporary.

Twilight sat next to Peter in her civilian clothing: a violet jacket, a white buttoned-up shirt underneath, and a pink skirt. She had no identity to hide, and after the events of last night, Twilight was persuaded by Doctor Strange to rest for a couple of days. Her body's magical supply was spent, and any attempt to exert herself would prove to be more damaging than anything else. Spike sat away from the table, but he remained within hearing distance, speaking whenever given the opportunity. Everyone remained vigilant in their seats, listening to everything Twilight had to say about Peter's disappearance.

Fury raised his brow, particularly at the girl by Peter's side. "You mean to tell me you're actually a pony from a parallel dimension, and that Spider-Man has been living with you the entire time?" Once Twilight nodded, Nick scoffed a response before turning his glare toward Peter. "Spider-Man, where the hell have you been all this time? Tell me the truth."

"Well, technically it's only been a little over three months for me," Peter nonchalantly replied, taking a sip of orange juice from a glass. "And you know, the usual. I was summoned to a magical land by Twilight to fight a demi-god's dragon lackey. Think Spike, only so much bigger, but weaker than Fin Fang Foom. Anyway, I transformed into a pony, made a lot of friends along the way, fell in love with an amazing girl..." he paused, planting a kiss on Twilight's cheek. She smiled, blushing, while Logan rolled his eyes and Spike gagged to himself. Peter took Twilight's hand into his own before continuing. "Said amazing girl became a princess, transformed into an alicorn, and I become her knight and prince. Besides that, nothing too much."

Nick blankly stared at Peter with his one good eye, groaning as he shook his head. "Why is it when anyone else tells me that story, it sounds ridiculous, but when it comes out of your mouth, it actually makes sense?"

Peter's smile grew wide. "Because I'm special."

Logan groaned. "You're special all right..."

Tony placed his hand over his mouth, concealing his stifled laughter. "So the beautiful woman sitting right next to you is actually a pony,andyou two are an item?" Before long, Stark lost his composure and broke down, guffawing at the top of his lungs. "Oh, that's rich! Maybe not as rich as me, but-!" He was laughing hysterically at this point, tapping his palm against the table.

Peter shook his head, exasperated. He knewthiswas coming. "Hey! In case you haven't realized it yet, Twilight'sveryintelligent! She's as beautiful as she is smart! Plus, I'm a pony, too! So it's not weird!" His tone was apprehensive and defensive, but Twilight didn't seem to mind as she giggled blissfully at Peter's compliments. Spider-Man wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder and pulled her close, his blush as pink as hers. "Laugh it up, Stark! You're just jealous! You wish you had someone as special as Twilight!"

Tony raised his head and waved his hands defensively with tears in his eyes. "Oh, no! I'm not knocking it, Peter!" He snorted. "We all have our fetishes!" He resumed his laughter, much to Peter's chagrin.

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