Chapter Sixteen "Friendship Express"

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Chapter Sixteen "Friendship Express"

From newspaper articles to radio shows, the race between Wonderbolt's captain, Spitfire, and Ponyville's hero, Spider-Mane, had become the single-most talked about subject in Equestria. The challenge was accepted two days ago, and tickets for the event were already sold out. Luckily, thanks to Spidey's request, his group of friends would be given exclusive passes to both Manehattan Palace and the race.

With their reservations ready and destination set, everypony waited for the train to arrive. Twilight, much to her diligent nature, inspected the collection of suitcases her friends brought, and Spike followed with a checklist in hand. The others sat not far from the unicorn's position in a row of benches. Considering they were going to be away from Ponyville for a number of days, Twilight wanted to be certain everything was accounted for.

"Okay, Spike. Are we ready to begin? We're on the clock," Twilight said, her eyes remaining locked on the pile of cases.

"Is your friend always so thorough, Rarity?" Octavia giggled, offering the designer a cup of tea.

Rarity playfully exhaled, using her magic to retrieve the cup. "Please forgive Twilight, Octavia. She is not the type to take preparation lightly." The sweet, warm scent of the drink seeped into her nostrils, causing a blissful sigh to escape from Rarity's mouth. "I hope this does not discourage you from accompanying us to Manehattan."

"Hardly. I enjoy the unique air your friends exude." Both mares took a sip of their tea simultaneously. As the librarian and dragon continued their inspection, the smile on the gray pony's face remained intact. "Which reminds me, I simply must thank you again for inviting me. The village life can be so lackluster. Manehattan shall be a breath of fresh air."

Waving her hoof, Rarity haughtily laughed. "Think nothing of it, dear. Your company is always welcomed." However, Rarity's smile diminished, an irritated frown falling in its place. Her royal blue irises opened slightly but slammed shut once they landed on the blue unicorn sitting several feet away. "I can't say the same regarding certain others."

Trixie, keeping her back turned, closed her eyes and huffed. Once news regarding the trip came into light, Trixie demanded to come along, while the others were present nonetheless. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were not familiar with the unicorn, but Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity remember Trixie all too well, the Ursa Minor incident being impossible to forget. However, Twilight and Peter gave no protest, allowing Trixie to come along for the journey and take the tenth spot on the train pass.

At that point, the truth regarding Trixie's knowledge of Spider-Mane's identity came into light, and everypony accepted the circumstance. Though Trixie was known throughout Equestria for her acts of fraud, it was best not to run the risk of somepony believing her. If one pony spread a rumor, many would follow, and Peter would not have a moment's peace, constantly hounded by the media or those who wish to do him harm.

Rarity let out a very unladylike growl into her cup, its sound echoing through the glass. Only for Peter's sake, she thought. Only for Peter.

"What is taking so long?" Trixie moaned as the early morning breeze brushed across her thin coat. The mare shuddered at the hint of contact, forcing her to pull her cape close to her body. Without her hat, a second breeze 'attacked', brushing through Trixie's silver blue mane. A strand of her mane fell between her eyes, leaving Trixie to moan for a second time. "The train was supposed to arrive ages ago."

"It's only been a few minutes, yer' highness. Try to be a little patient," Applejack mused, tapping her hoof against the bench.

Trixie sharply turned with a venomous glare, and Applejack countered with a freckled scowl. Fortunately, before the situation could escalate, Peter stepped between the two mares and placed his hooves on their shoulders respectively.

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