Chapter Ten "Highs and Lows

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Chapter Ten "Highs and Lows"

The Grand Galloping Gala, one of Equestria's most glamorous gatherings, was scheduled to start in just a few hours. Last year, the Gala ended in disaster thanks to a small group of mares, but considering they were close acquaintances of Princess Celestia, it was no wonder they were invited to come back. Within Rarity's home, these same mares were steadily preparing for the festivities with the exception of Rainbow Dash, who rested comfortably on the sofa. Everypony else sat underneath a manedryer, and Spike sat with a glass of juice in claw.

Applejack opened her emerald eyes and giggled softly. "So ya'll think the Gala's gonna be halfway as fun as it was last year?"

Pinkie Pie lifted her dryer from over her head, allowing her mane to poof back into its lively form. "I'll bet it'll be twice- no- three times as fun! Those ponies were so uptight. Maybe this time we can show them what a real party is like!"

"And last year wasn't a party?" Rainbow Dash said in mid-yawn. "I just hope the Wonderbolts are there again. I've learned some even cooler tricks since they last saw me."

"Like the one that landed you in the hospital?" Applejack replied, earning a glare from the Pegasus.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and sighed, mentally cringing at the breakdown she suffered at last year's Gala. Rarity reached over and placed her hoof on her friend's shoulder, knocking Fluttershy out of her depressing trance.

"There's nothing to fret over, Fluttershy. I'm sure the animals in the garden will be more open to you this time," she said reassuringly.

Taking her words to heart, Fluttershy's royal blue eyes brightened. "Gosh. I hope so, Rarity."

Applejack shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe that prince of yours will be there, too?"

What was once a smile morphed into a frown, and the beam in her eyes turned into a glare. "Surely you don't mean that pompous oaf, Blueblood?" Her tone, full of venom, prompted the unicorn to clear her throat along with the violent images from her mind. "I would rather not speak of him anymore."

Everypony found a way to laugh off the memories of last year's Gala, but Twilight, who had remained silent for the duration of the conversation, could not shake the sense of dread that had filled her so. Fidgeting in her seat, she brushed her hooves together at a frantic pace until her nervous behavior was noticed by the others.

"What are you so nervous about, dear? Are you that excited to see Princess Celestia?" Rarity asked.

Twilight bit her lip as she forced her hooves to stop moving. Deep down, she was indeed eager to see her teacher, but her mind and heart were astutely focused on one other pony. Even though several days had passed since she heard his confession, Twilight could not stop thinking about Peter. After hearing (and reading) about the sacrifices he made back at home, she could not bring herself to continue the magic lessons. It seemed unfair to stress Peter out in any shape or form.

Which brought up a dilemma. Twilight was supposed to keep Princess Celestia informed about everything regarding Peter, but she failed to mention what happened to the book. Not to mention the princess was expecting a full progress report tonight after the Gala as well as a magical demonstration from Peter. After the self-destructing performance from the other day, it was safe to assume Peter's capabilities were haphazard at best.

She was already a horrible friend, but by the end of the night, Twilight would be known as a horrendous mentor.

The fates were cruel for bestowing such a nasty destiny on the mare's head. Her mind had been so centered around Peter that the secret she kept almost became unbearable to keep to herself. Peter had opened up to Twilight considerably since the incident, and the fact that she kept something so personal from him ate away at her gut each day. Like a crack in the dam, it was only a matter of time before Twilight would crumble under the pressure.

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