Chapter 48: End of a Dream

Start from the beginning

This caught Levi attention. "Me? I changed?"

"You're not... as cold as you were before... at least, that's what I think."

Levi didn't respond immediately. "Well, you're not as shitty as before either."

The raven walked towards me, taking slow steps, his eyes never leaving mine. I froze, unable to move as he reached right in front of me.

"(Y/N).... I don't know how to say this.."

My heart raced violently in my chest, and I struggled not to completely lose my composure. "Say... what?"

"I-.... I..... uhh..."

Wow. He really seemed lost for words.

Levi shifted uncomfortably, losing his eye contact with me. He fiddled his hands, and kept looking to his sides.

He looks....





Please tell me you're going to say what I'm hoping you'd say.

"That day," Levi began, "I rejected Petra because of three reasons."

I fell silent, watching him with wide eyes.

"The first one... is because I didn't see her as... more than a friend."

No words came out of my mouth.

"The second one... is that... I had interest on... someone else."

My heart slammed furiously against my ribs.

"The third one.... I...... can't say.... right now."

Curiosity rose inside of me at his last words, but they were pushed away by another lingering question. "Who were you interested in....?"

This time, Levi looked straight into my eyes. "I had... mild curiosity in this girl... she's weird, she acts unlike most people, she's barely feminine."

I barely had any more patience in me.

"That girl.... is Hanji..."

My heart probably died of shock. My mouth fell open, and every single hope I had in me shattered. A fierce wave of sadness and depression washed over me, making my legs so weak I could barely stand.

I wanted to puke, to vomit, to run away as far as I can.

As I took a step away, Levi's voice rang in my ears.

"....--'s friend, who's name is... (Y/N)."

Now I didn't know what to think. Everything's blank.

My mind is blank. My emotions are blank. My heart already died, so that's also blank as well. I don't even know what to say to that.

"Erwin told me... that the interest I had for you... is called love."

Is he really going to say it?

I felt a hand gently grab mine, softly pulling me forward. Finally, I had the courage to look at his eyes.

"As cheesy as this may fucking sound, you really are beautiful, and I'm not talking about your physical appearance."

No words came out of my mouth.

"You're different, you're so different than any other girl I've come across in my life."

I still had no idea what to say to him.

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