Chapter 23

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''So how are you, and how's Jake doing?'' Elena asked as they were at the coffee shop together. Elena drank her tea.

''I'm good and Jake is with dad at the rehab centre, dad and mom have been sorting things out thank goodness.''

''And you and Zac?'' ssked Elena, making Selena silent.

She looked down on the table. ''We broke up yesterday.''

''You did what? Why?'' she asked shocked.

''He wanted to take me to travel the world, france, south africa..I said no and he just said if I was going to be like this forever he doesn't want to be with me. Never think of myself..''

''But don't you see Selena? He's right. Jake is with your dad, taking care of your mom, there's no more Kol. You have a huge shot here, it's something you always wanted. To get away.''

''I can't just leave,'' Selena protested, and it surprised her when Elena touched her hand.

''Look Selena, I know it's hard and I know your scared. But Zac is such a good guy and he would take care of you and he wants too. He's in love with you. Don't you remember the day at this coffee shop the way he looked at you? You don't find guys like him everyday.''

''And guys like Stefan,'' Stefan interrupted and kissed Elena on the cheek making her giggle. He wrapped his arm around her neck and she held onto his hand as he rested his cheek on her shoulder.

''Your right,'' Selena said. ''And oh my god, he might be leaving right now..''

''What?'' Elena asked.

''He said he'd wait for me, tonight and maybe he's leaving right now,'' Selena said quite paranoid.

''I'll take you,'' Stefan said. ''Come on let's go,'' Elena, Selena and Stefan rushed to the car and drove to the airport. The traffic was unusually slow and there came a time where Stefan cursed making Elena laugh but Selena only more nervous. ''THANK YOU,'' Stefan yelled when the traffic started to move.

When they were at the airport, Selena went to the roof where supposedly he was supposed to be waiting for her. She had Elena and Stefan going after her and when she was on the roof the plane was about to take off. ''NO WAIT,'' she yelled after it as it began to take off. ''WAIT,'' she yelled again and Stefan and Elena did it with her. They jumped and waved their hands yelling for it to stop. ''Please wait,'' Selena cried to herself.

Zac was in his plane, heartbroken that she hadn't showed up. He then heard voices and looked in the rearview mirror, no way. It was three people and one of them was Selena they were jumping an waving their hands. It seemed like they were telling him to wait. He landed the plane, and stepped out of it. ''Selena?''

''Zac!'' she yelled back hopeful. She ran towards him and into his arms.

''You came?''

''You were right, I'm sorry. I wanna go with you, I love you.'' She smiled.

''And I love you.'' He laughed.

Stefan looked at Elena and she at him, together they laughed.

''What about my things?'' she asked.

''I took some, just in case if you had doubts.'' He laughed.

''You thought of everything didn't you?'' she joked.

''I thought of my life with you.'' He winked and pulled in to kiss her. When she pulled away she ran back to Elena and hugged her and Stefan goodbye though her hug with Elena lasted way longer.

''Have a great trip,'' Elena said and Selena jumped into the plane with Zac.

Stefan and Elena watched as the plane took off and left hand in hand.


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