Chapter 20

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''Jake, why are you here?'' she asked looking at him surprised, the police and some paramedics came and took Faye away.

''I knew you'd be in danger and that you left considering your cellphone was out of service. So I asked the doctor to let me go, and he let me considering I had kind of recovered. I went to your house but you weren't there and saw Faye's myspace page open in your laptop and some address and I drove all the way there but by the time I was there you were gone and I realized that someone would be waiting for you there..'' He untied her.

''Does Stefan know?'' she asked.

''Yeah I do.'' Stefan appeared. ''What were you thinking, getting yourself into something like this?'' 

''I'm sorry I just had to..''

''I can't be mad at you Elena.'' He grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her and Elena did the same. ''I was so worried.'' He pulled away, then kissed her.

''Wait a second,'' said Elena as she pulled away. ''Kol. CALL ZAC''

''Where are we going?'' asked Selena as Kol pulled her with him walking.

''Away,'' he said. She suddenly stopped in her tracks, noticing the airport infront of her.

''Far away?''

''So far that no one will find you.'' He grinned.

''Why are you doing this?'' she half shouted.

''Because your mine.''

''I know your in love with me.'' Kol remained silent. ''But I will never be in love with you Kol. Not after what you've done to me.''

He started to pull her with him once again into the airport and through the gates. He had already bought the tickets. As they were boarding he leaned closer to her ear. ''Hold my hand, so it looks like were a couple,'' he whispered.

''Never,'' she whispered back. ''Do it, or I'll make a funeral for your friends.'' Selena did as she told him to and held his hand. The air hostess told them where they were supposed to sit and Kol ordered her to sit by the window and she did so.

''Put on your seatbelts, in 10 minutes we will be taking off to London,'' the pilot's voice said.

''London? We're going to London?'' she found herself panicking.

''Born and raised.'' He winked.

''Please don't do this Kol, please. Just let me go and I won't tell anyone where you are.'' Tears started to run down her cheeks.

''Can't do that.'' 

''Oh my god, miss are you alright?'' ssked a air hostess who just walked to them. Selena said nothing only wiping her tears away.

''There was a loss in the family, there was a big funeral today it's been very hard for her.''


'Oh I'm so sorry.'' She covered her mouth. ''Do you need anything?''

''No, I'm fine thanks,'' she forced herself to say. The air hostess nodded and walked away.

''Have you been able to reach him?'' Elena asked.

''No, he won't answer. He talked about going away for some while, he's a pilot so he's gotta do his job..'' Stefan said, still trying to reach Zac but he couldn't. He must have been flying at this very moment.

Zac boarded the plane, wearing his uniform. ''Sorry I'm late. '' The Air hostesses smiled at him and the pilot was inside. He looked were the passengers were, and his eyes widened as what he had just seen. Kol and Selena sitting together and Selena had tears in her eyes. ''Shit!'' he said and ran towards them. ''YOUR DEAD MEAT KOL!''

A Dream Of FlyingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz