Chapter 4

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Selena was working at a restaurant,  a grill, and she was a waitress. At least she had a job, which she tried to be thankful for. One day she'd get out of here, she tried to tell herself.  She walked up to the table as she stared at the floor. ''Alright, ready to order?'' she asked then looked up at the person, surprised. 

''Oh, hello,'' he said.

''Zac, isn't it?'' she asked, trying to hide her smile.

''Yes, it is and your Selena. And now I know two things about you, your favorite book is Jane Eyre and you work at the best grill in town.''

She nodded, trying not to laugh. She then noticed Kol entering through the doors. She sighed deeply. ''So, can I take your order?''

He nodded. ''Yes, I'll have number two.''

''Not very healthy is it?'' she joked.

''Well, it's good not to live on plane food for once,'' he joked.

She nodded and saw Kol standing there staring straightly at her. ''Well, It'll be ready soon.'' She smiled and left his table. She walked past Kol but he grabbed her hand.

''Come home with me, let's go..''

''I can't right now Kol, I have work.''

''Ditch work, I want you with me.''

Selena somehow had the feeling that Zac was watching them, which was true. She tried to release herself from his tight grip. ''No, I can't.''

''Come on I'll give you money, way more then this is paying.'' He smirked.

''I'm not a prostitute..'' she spat at him, being careful that no one heard their conversation. ''And besides, I like working here.'' He tightened his grip on her hand.''Let me go, now. Or I'll cause a scene...'' she threatened.

He laughed, a smirk curving onto his lips. ''Your fiesty, Selena.'' He released his grip from her hand. ''I'll see you later then,'' he whispered into her ear before leaving. Selena stared after him then caught a glimpse of Zac who had been watching her, soon as he saw her looking at him, he turned away.

Moments later she came with his order and put it on the table. She smiled. ''Enjoy your meal,'' she said about to leave when he stopped her.

''Wait,'' she turned to face him. ''Is everything alright?'' he asked.

She nodded quickly. ''Yes everything's fine.'' Before he could say anything she hurried and walked away from the table.

Selena was now hanging out with Elena, they were at her room which Selena had always admired. Her own room was more of a closet then a real bedroom. ''I got my book back.'' She smiled.

''Oh, how lovely! How?'' She got slightly interested, she played with her long straight dark hair.

''Someone brought it for me... found my address in the book.''

''Who?'' she asked, looking at her strangely.

''No one...'' 

''Selena, who?'' she demanded.

''That pilot, he found it,'' she finally gave in.

''Why the hell didn't you tell me? He's super hot and...''

''And just a nice man. He brought it, that's it. Don't you get any ideas Elena Gilbert,'' she said as she noticed a smirk curving onto her lips. Elena would always tease her when it came to boys. Elena, in the past had quite many boyfriends. Selena just a few, Kol excluded as he was only forcing himself on her.

A new day had come. Selena watched once more as Jake drove off with his friends. She watched from her bedroom and she was hiding. Kol was there and she didn't want him to see her at all. Which made her miss the school bus and Elena couldn't pick her up. That would mean she would be late. Just my luck.

The school bell had already rang and Selena ran to class. When she entered  geography class, she looked down at the floor. ''Sorry, I'm late...'' she apologized to the teacher and there seemed to be some kind of lecture or a presentation going on. When she sat down she was surprised to see Zac standing there and he stared straight back at her. She noticed Elena who now had a smirk on her face.

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