Chapter 6

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Selena had given him directions to her house but he must have remembered since he returned the book to her. She felt a bit uncomfortable on the car ride and tried to find a ice breaker but she couldn't think of anything. All of a sudden Zac's mouth opened. ''So uh, lived here long?''

''All my life,'' she responded shyly and Zac nodded. ''Have you always wanted to be a pilot?'' she asked.

''Yes, ever since I was a boy. Got my license when I was 17, god knows how much I flied.'' He laughed and Selena laughed with him. She wondered what it would be like to be up in the air, but didn't want to bother him more with some stupid grandma questions, well that's what she thought. She looked at him from time to time but looked at the road mostly. He turned up at her house.

''Thank you for the ride, it's nice to not have to walk home for once,'' she laughed.

''Your welcome, I'm glad to help.'' He smiled and she unbuckled he seatbelt and stepped out of the car. He stepped out with her. ''It was nice talking to you Selena.''

She smiled akwardly and nodded. ''Yes, goodbye Zac.'' She walked away and into the house, unaware that from the street, Kol had been watching and he didn't look too happy.

Elena had been trying to call Selena but she wouldn't answer. She figured she was still mad at her, Elena could admit that she could go too far sometimes and didn't realize it. Now she did. She was at the library until 5 o'clock trying to study. It was then she saw Stefan walk in, he sometimes stole a glimpse from her and smiled. She remembered him, on the first day of school she talked to him for like a minute. He had asked to borrow a pencil and that was it. Sometimes in class she saw him looking at her and especially more now. She had just finished texting Selena for the fifth time and she was under the impression that Selena was still very upset with her. She sweared under her breath and looked at the clock thinking she should go home. Stefan only sat there in the corner and looked at her, smiling. Elena smiled back.

She noticed her mom once again passed out on the couch. She felt sorry for her mother, to be this everyday, even though she didn't have a great home she was her mother after all. She tugged a blanket over her body. ''Oh mom...'' she whispered and put a glass of water on the table with some aspirin. ''Sometimes I feel like I'm the parent and your the child,'' she whispered as she closed her eyes.

''Selena.'' She carefully opened her eyes. ''How long have I been out?''

''Probably since yesterday.''

''I'm so terrible.''

''Take some aspirin, it'll make the headache go away.'' Her mother nodded and took it. ''Take it easy,'' she said and walked away, she noticed Jake in his room sniffing some cocain. She rolled her eyes. ''That explains it, you would rather go high then pick me up.''

''Screw you,'' he said.

''Right back at ya,'' she said about to walk to her room when he rushed towards her, making her turn to him and slapped her across the face. She touched her cheek, feeling the inching pain.  ''Stay out of my business you whore,'' he said and slammed the bedroom door into her face. She only took her jacket and took a walk outside.

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