Chapter 15

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Elena stood in the doorway, with her eyes widened. Seeing Stefan touching another girl, who was barely dressed. She ran away, and out of Stefan's house.

''Go away Faye,'' he said to her. ''Get out of my house and leave me alone!'' he shouted and ran after Elena. He saw her running down the street and he sped up, reaching her. ''Elena wait!'' he shouted.

''Are you kidding, why run after me when you can finish her off?'' she shouted trying to walk away from him.

''I don't love her, she was in my bed. She wouldn't leave!''

''Oh please, you told me you were at school, you were probably the whole time at your place..doing her..''

''Would you stop.'' He went infront of her, and she stopped walking.  ''Elena. I know it looks bad but it's really not what you think.'' He put his hands on both of her shoulders. ''I dated her a while back, it was nice at first but she became obsessive over me. She wouldn't leave me alone, called me, visited me..and now she's here. It weirded me out. I promise I would never ever cheat on you. I love you, I would never cheat on you because that would mean I would lose you. And I don't want that.''

She nodded, and he noticed her smiling. She wrapped her arms around him. ''I'm sorry that I doubted you,'' she whispered.

''It's okay,'' he whispered back as they still had their arms around each other.

Selena barged into her house. Jake was still at the hospital recovering. Soon he would be home and she was glad. She remembered Zac's voice, she can only change her life and she was going to. Her mom was on the couch once again hungover. ''Get up,'' Selena said.

''What?'' Her mom rubbed her head.

''Get up,'' she said.

''Let me sleep, your so mean.''

''Mom. For years you've done this, got drunk every single night and I hate it. I hate having to take care of you like a little baby, and I'm sure Jake is sick of it too. So I'm going to send you somewhere else, to rehab where someone will take care of you and take away your addiction for alcohol.''

All of a sudden her mother laughed. ''And where are you going to get the money for that?''

Selena looked down.

''From me.'' It was Zac, he was in her house. ''I'm paying, and there's a car for you outside.''

Selena looked at him surprised, but mouthed thank you to him. She then bent down over to her mom, who looked surprised. ''Mom, this person who you are is not good, so don't be this person. Your gonna die eventually if you keep doing this, I know alcohol makes you feel better but it doesn't make you better.'' She looked at her daughter, nodding and put her hand on Selena's cheek. ''It's your choice, live or die?''

''Live, Selena.'' Selena helped her mom get ready and to the car. She still was hungover and she hugged her goodbye. Zac closed the door and Selena watched as her mom was driven away to rehab.

''How did you know?'' She turned to Zac.

''Let's just say you have a brother who you tell this kind of stuff..''

''Jake..'' she giggled. ''Thank you Zac.''

''You were right to do this Selena. Will you be alright on your own?''

''Are you kidding? I've been on my own almost forever.'' She laughed.

''I know,'' he said. ''But just with Kol out there, you never know what he might do. And Jake's still at the hospital.''

''Yeah your right. It is kind of risky..''

''Selena, I know we've had our problems. But please stay with me at the hotel. Just until Jake will be released from the hospital.''

Selena was going to say no, but there was no point in arguing with Zac. He saved Jake, he payed for her mom's rehab. She couldn't say no to him. ''Okay.'' She smiled and they both went into the house together and Zac would help her pack her stuff to bring.

''So, are you really sure you wanna do this?'' Kol asked the person that was standing infront of him



''Let's just say that I hate Elena, who you say is Selena's best friend. She has something that belongs to me. You help me, I help you.''

''Guess we have a deal,'' He smirked. ''Faye.''

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