"ROSE WEASLEY GO TO THAT CAR OR I WILL MAKE YOU FLY TO HOGWARTS!" An angry shout interrupted Hermione's thoughts. Ron came outside with Rose closely behind him, both with equally red heads. Ron, who'd lost his patience, couldn't hold back anymore. Rose, who really hated flying - much like Hermione - grumbled, but gave in.

"Within Christmas Break, this grumbling of you, will be over, Rose. Either you tell us what's bothering you or you get over it!" Ron ordered. They stepped into the car and finally they left.

"Well, Rose?" Ron pressed, still waiting on an answer.

"It depends, but I'll try my best," Rose said. Well, this was at least a start.

"Wouldn't expect less," Ron said. They left their city and Ron rode onto the highway.

"Rose, if this has anything to do with the fact Scorpius Malfoy became Head Boy..." Hermione started.

"Did he? That little ferret!" Ron interrupted her. Hugo grinned in the backseat, but Hermione didn't find this funny at all.

"RON! As I was about to say: he's not a Head for no reason! Aunt Audrey told me the Ministry makes second chances for families like Scorpius's very difficult..." Hermione continued. It was a shame, really, that after all this time, the war was still effecting all of them and their children.

"And they deserve it!" Ron interrupted her again.

"RON! It really is difficult! There are many people who react like your father, Rose, so please give him and his family a second chance. After all, they didn't do anything wrong to you!" she said. She really hoped Rose would listen to her one day, instead of Ron. The war had been their life and it had effected them so much that none of them really ever moved forward. Ron was still stuck with prejudices about former Death Eaters and their children.

"Hermione, you're talking nonsense. You know teenagers and their hormones. Rose and this little ferret in one room, peacefully, I won't see that happening anytime soon! She hates the boy - plus, he hates her too. He's a Slytherin, much like his dad, that says enough! He'll destroy her!" Ron said. It didn't surprise Hermione he said that, but it didn't mean he was right.

"Have you no trust in your own daughter? I think she's more capable than ever to protect herself. However, I do think that, instead of duelling, there are other ways to solve a disagreement," Hermione rebounded. You couldn't really call the way they talked 'fighting', but it didn't went peacefully as well. They often fought or 'had a disagreement' in the car. They always did, actually. Hermione stubborn and Ron tactless as hell. The quiet always filled the car after one of them was done talking about the subject. James once said they were quiet because normally they would have make-up sex at that moment, but Rose never really wanted to have that thought in her head. Rose was glad she wasn't as tactless as her father, but she really was as stubborn as her mother - maybe even more stubborn. She always passionately hated something - much like she hated Scorpius and she could either give him passionately a second chance - which probably wouldn't end well - or she could try to destroy him with everything she had. Scorpius Malfoy was the lovely, funny, popular, smart, good-looking boy. She'd never fallen in love with his charms and she wouldn't ever! Sure she would admit he was handsome, because really, she couldn't lie about that, but that didn't mean she was swooning much like all the other females at Hogwarts. She knew the real Scorpius Malfoy. The big and the bad Scorpius Malfoy who was really a spitting image of his father - the same irritating, mean bully as her father described his father. Besides, how could she ever be something even remotely close to not-enemies when he loved Quidditch as much as he did. That was just an inhuman amount of love for Quidditch and the only people Rose tolerated to have that kind of love for Quidditch was her family. Quidditch...brr...Rose hated it.

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