Chapter 6

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Adrien's POV:

Jack's winter break starts today after school. Just like every other day I dropped him off and gave him a kiss then left. He said that he was really happy to celebrate Christmas with me this year, I haven't told him that I never really celebrated Christmas before but heard about this "Santa Claus" guy that lives in the North Pole and he passes gifts to everyone on Christmas night, sorry but this "Santa Claus" is fake, not real. I was going to tell him that I don't celebrate Christmas today after school. I watched as he got to his friends, they started to talk and laugh, I watched him for a few more minutes till I decided to go. I left and to me still struggling to get used to driving this car, I normally prefer a motorcycle, this is the first time I write a Jeep, it's not bad but the car is big. A stupid person thought it would be fun if you don't stop at the red traffic and went right into the car, from the driver's seat, I must have passed out because once I opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed with tubes that sent blood and a clear liquid thing into my body. I sat up to see my dad standing in front of me crying while Adam calmed him down with tears of his own "dad?" He looks up at me and ran to hug me, I hugged back "oh that the Lord your alive, I thought I was going to lose you" "dad, I will always and forever be with you" I said and smiled a bit. Adam came and gave me a hug "we are staying here, with you and Charlie till you feel better and you will not be driving for the whole week, after that we'll give you your bike back" Adam said and looked me over, I nodded, "does Jack know?" I asked "about you almost dying and almost giving me a heart attack? Yes he knows" Dad said "how did you guys get here so fast?" "Private Jet" Adam answered simply, I nodded.

Jack came for a vist after school, Austin and his friends came with him, "Adiren" he cried and ran up to me and hugged me tightly "I thought y-you d..." "Shhh quiet I'm alive and besides it not that bad got a few stitches" I said simply "you're an idiot" he chucked with tears running down his face, "I'm your idiot" I smiled at him and then went in for a kiss, he looks like he needed one, Dad and Adam were still in my room, the door opened slightly and a nurse came in with food "Mr.Adams, I got you some food, you really need to eat something, your body is weak and your suffering and it will get worse if you don't eat, so eat your food, and that was not a question" she said and putted the food in front of me, it was some rise, cooked vegetables, a slice of meat on the side with orange juice, "I can't eat this" I said and looked at the nurse "why?" She asked and raised an eyebrow "well for starters I'm a vegetarian and I don't eat meat and the vegetables are cooked and I don't eat rice either, I eat with a fork not a spoon and I'm allergic to oranges" I explained not leaving anything that she got me off "wow, okay, well what do you like to eat?" She asked surprised "nothin" I simply said "sorry but we don't have that in this hospital, something else?" Man I hate her "daddy, tel her I don't wanna eat" I whined and looked at my dad, she turned to face him and he shook his head "give him any thing that is Canadian and doesn't have meat, chicken, or cooked vegetables" dad said "what about rice? He said that he doesn't eat rice" she asked and looked back at me for a minute then turned to my dad "he only eat the rice in Canada, England, France, Germany, and Russia" dad answered her "okay, so Canadian food with no meat, chicken or cooked veggies, got it" she said and took the food that is in front of me and gave me a glass of sparkling water "thank you" I said and drank it all at once "I knew you would like it" she smile and took it from me "how?" "You had some in your car the bottle shattered and got you some of the cuts, we spoke to your doctor and he said that you drink that a lot he will be with you in a minute or two" "great, you brought my doctor, man I should have died" I said and looked at my dad, the nurse left and my doctor showed up after about five minutes "hello Adrien" he said and walked up to me "go away, let me die" I said and pushed him away "I see you had your first kiss, but I will still check on you and you know it. You have been through a lot you have gotten hurt before and a lot was worst than this so please let me take care of you, as your doctor and your uncle I have the rights to treat you well" he said "fine step uncle" I said and putted my head on the pillow "just don't come near my chest, okay?" I warned him "of course, it's will healing from the cuts and once you food comes you are going to EAT it OK?" "Fine" I said not wanting to eat but to just sleep and rest but I'm stuck here for the next few days and will be forced to eat, just my luck, I looked at Jack, he really wanted to spent Christmas with me I'm going to tell him "Hey, Jack...I don't really celebrate Christmas and my birth-birthday is on New Years" I finally told him "why don't you celebrate Christmas and is that why you don't celebrate you birthday because its on New Years?" He asked "well, at first Austin, dad and I would never see each other on Christmas, with my dad's work, Austin staying with is friends and me not caring, then Austin left and noting really changed I would sit in my room watch YouTube or TV and just forget it's Christmas, sometimes even read books, or watch videos and movies about Christmas to know what it really was. My birthday is on the worst best day of the year, it's New Year everyone is busy with parties and family meetings that everyone forgets its my birthday, so I stopped trying to make people remember it and try to forget it as well" I looked up everyone was shocked "you know my birthday is on New Year too" the nurse said "Really?!" I was shocked I never net anyone that was born on New Year "yeah I spent that day with my fiancé, after we watch the count down" she said and smiled "I was born at exactly 12am right with the new year, right with the fireworks" I said "I was born at 12:01am" she said and picked the food up and placed it in front of me, I nodded "now eat" she commanded "I'm not a dog you know" I said to her kinda angry "OK but seriously eat" she said kinda worried but serious and scary at the same time, "yes, ma'am" I said and picked up the fork and ate slowly. I have been eating for the past ten minutes probably, "you are a really slow eater, hurry up" my doctor said "I am not, I'm just enjoying myself by seeing you guys angry" I said back and hurried up a bit.

I finally got out of the hospital the day before Christmas, they said that I should take it easy on myself, I did. Once I got to my uncle's house it was different, it was decorated for Christmas tomorrow which I remembered right as I got inside the house. I was greeted with hugs and kisses and stuff like that I went upstairs to rest for a bit, someone knocked on the door I was shirtless with my whole chest still patched up "come in" I said, Jack came in "I was wondering if you wanted to cuddle and sleep together?" He asked kinda embarrassed "I don't want to..." I said coldly he was hurt, I could tell "I need to" I finished and his face lit up he took off his shirt, and pants, I took off my pants, we both got in bed and hugged tightly and kissed, man I missed being in his arms, even though he came everyday to the hospital to see me and he would hug me I missed cuddling with him, the doctor said that we couldn't hug tightly or cuddly due to my chest, but now since its better we can cuddle. We fell asleep after talking for a bit while cuddling of course and every now and then we would kiss.

Internet Love <3 (bxb)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora