He turned his head towards me and smiled. "Hi." I waved. "Hey." He greeted. We bothed walked out to his car, in silence.

Natsu P.O.V

          Say something, Natsu! For Mavis' sake, say something! "So Natsu, where are we going?" Lucy asked, watching the scenery outside fly by.

          "Well, I was thinking, we go grab a bite to eat and then catch a movie." I glanced at her every now and then, still focusing on the road.

          "Oh? What movie?" She asked this time looking at me.

          "Anything you want." I told her.

          "Oh really?" She arched an eyebrow, turning her body to face me. She placed her elbows on the middle console and put her chin in the palms of her hands.

          "Yup." I answered.

          "So... You would go see The Fault in Our Stars?" She questioned.

          "Sure, if that's what you want." I shrugged.

          "Fantastic! Because thats what I wanna see." She smiled as she sat back straight in her seat. I drove her down a nice little bistro in the middle of town.


          "We are here." I opened Lucy's door for her and held out my hand for her to grab. She gladly took my hand and got out of my car. I shut the door behind her and we walked into the bistro.

          "Well this place is nice." Lucy commented. We sat down at a small circular table meant for two. I got out my phone and checked for the next movie showing. But the movie was sold out.

          "Uh, sorry to break it to you Luce, but the movie is sold out."

          "Oh no! Whatever, we can do something else than." Lucy sighed out the frustration.

          "Are you sure? We can go see another movie." I asked making sure this is what she wanted.

          She sighed again but smiled soon after that. "Yeah, I'm sure. We could always go back to my amusement park or just a regular park." She kindly suggests.

          "Alright!" I widely grin. Soon, a waitress came.

          "Aww, are you two a couple? I love, love." The waitress cooed. Lucy and I gave her a strange stare. "Sorry, my name is Sherry." She smiled. "What can I get you two?"

          Lucy skimmed across the menu and stated her order. "I would like a grilled chicken sandwich with a strawberry milk shake please."

          Sherry looked over to me. "I'll have the same." She smiled brightly.

          "Okay, two grilled chicken sandwiches and one large couples strawberry milkshake." She closed her notepad and left.

          "So I guess we're sharing a shake then." Lucy blushed, fiddling with her hands. She looked adorable.

          "Its fine with me if its fine with you." I told her.

          "Oh, yeah. Sure it's fine with me." She lightly squeaked. We sat in silence for a little bit, since me nor she knew what to talk about.

          "So... Uh..." Lucy tried.

          "You know what I don't understand?" I started.

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