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Doyoung was walking down the stairs when he was suddenly called by Ten and a bunch of girls.

"Hey, come back here, help us" Ten said, making Doyoung sigh and get back up

Doyoung saw Ten with Johnny, Yoojung, and Sejeong. "What do you need help with?" He asked, looking so tired

"Take a photo of us!" Ten happily said, speading his arms wide

"Phone" Doyoung said

Ten gave his phone to Doyoung to take their photo so that they can pass it to the teachers. Doyoung confusingly eyed Ten's phone, it was a limited edition and is nowhere similar to his phone. He hesitantly opened the camera, ready to take the picture.

Sejeong did a peace sign on the back of Yoojung's head while the latter squished her cheeks, acting all crazy. Ten had his arm around Johnny's shoulders, struggling every second to maintain his balance while tiptoeing hardly. Johnny sighed because of Ten dragging him down, making him end up carrying Ten in bridal style and Ten was giggling while giving out big grins.

Behind them was a staircase going down on the right and one going up on the left. Then there's a large window on the wall infront of the one going down, and when you look at it, you'll see a bridge that has the sea underneath it. The sea is really far from their school, but yeah, you can clearly see it through the window.

The four stopped moving for the picture to not be blurry. Doyoung, instead of clicking the shutter, he clicked on the record button.

"What in the world is taking you so long, Doyoung?" Johnny asked, struggling as he was carrying a heavyass human being

"Wait" Doyoung gave out a smug grin, earning groans from the four

As Doyoung was looking at the phone's screen, he furrowed his eyebrows when he spotted a figure on the bridge. It was really tiny since it's fsr away, but you can clearly tell that there is indeed a figure. It was weird since they don't let people go hang around that bridge, it was only for cars.

"Doyoung, wake the f ck up" Ten shook him

Doyoung looked at Ten before moving his eyes to the window. Nothing was there, literally not a single figure. He looked back to the phone and he felt like he was strongly pulled backwards, making him stumble.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Yoojung worriedly asked

"There's someone there!" Doyoung pointed at the window, making everyone turn their heads to the window

"Nothing's there, just cars, bridge, and buildings" Sejeong answered

"You're being such a paranoid, Doyoung" Johnny said

Doyoung slowly stood up and just went on taking the photo despite what just happened. He gave the phone back to Ten and quickly walked out of the school.


Doyoung sat on a bench at the park amd scrolled through his SNS. His face lit up when he saw Sanae's new post minutes ago.

⭕ sanachi.0

sanachi.0 how would you feel if someone says "I'll come back again"? If I were you, I wouldn't believe it.
see all 289 comments
haruk4 ...
choiren hello!

Doyoung smiled at his phone, but not when he was about to scroll and it slipped on his hands. It hardly hit the ground, making Doyoung groan in annoyance. He picked it up and was shocked to see his screen cracked.

It made him extremely nervous and confused with the fact that Sanae's picture was perfectly at the center of his phone when he recalled being able to scroll past her post before Doyoung's phone could even fall from his hand. The crack created a line on Sanae's picture.

"I cracked a freaking phone again" Doyoung mentally screamed, completely irritated

He worriedly dialed Sanae's number because of what just happened and it made him nervous to death that she didn't answer four calls, onto the fifth one, Doyoung sighed in relief when the call was answered.

What do you want?

Doyoung was about to speak, but stopped when all he could hear was screams. Later on, he heard random whispers, most of them are "Fall" "Go away" "Water", and he even heard splashes of water and waves clashing.

Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows as he listened to it, he tried calling Sanae's name, but when he does, the weird things he's hearing through the phone becomes louder. Soon, the call ended with a scream.

Doyoung's mind was blank since for him, none of what he heard made sense.

Nothing made sense.

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