"Drink?" Luna asked. She then remembered that the first glass of clear liquid she drank was alcohol. "Oh, that. I thought it was water." They dropped the topic.

The three of them ate their breakfast with a little chit-chat on the side. "Oh Luna dear," Mr. Rose said. "There is a company party tonight that your mother and I are going to. Would you like to come along?"

"You should go with us, Luna," Mrs. Rose interjected before Luna could respond. "Other enterprises will be their as well. This is a good opportunity to seek out a potential husband."

"Mom!" Luna exclaimed. She was not surprised that her mom brought that up. Mrs. Rose has been wanting Luna to get married already. It was around her age that Mrs. Rose got married as well as Luna's older sisters.

"I heard that you have been on a couple dates with Mr. Vandin. He is heir to quite a well known enterprise. Of course, he will be there too."

"Honey," Mr. Rose chimed in.

"Ummm... I'll think about it." Luna took a sip of her water. "I've just been to too many parties the past couple days."

"That is how the young generation socialize these days," Mrs. Rose pointed out.

"Not me," Luna mumbled.

Back in her room, Luna's phone rang. She looked at the screen and saw that it was Naia calling her. Luna picked up the phone and answered it, sitting on her bed.

"Morning, Naia."

"Luna!" Naia's voice was full of excitement.

"What?" Luna was curious as to what Naia had to say.

"You, sly fox, you," Naia said teasingly.

"What?" Luna was confused as to what Naia was referring to. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about last night at Grayson Diamond's party!" Naia practically screamed through the phone. "Wait. Sit tight! I'm coming over." Naia hung up.

Luna moved the phone away from her ear. She looked at the screen with a confused look on her face.

About half an hour went by and Luna heard footsteps running up the stairs. 'Naia must be here.'

"Luna!" In burst Naia through Luna's bedroom door.

Luna was sitting cross-legged on top of her bed waiting for Naia. Naia jumped onto the bed and tackled Luna down on the bed. "Ahhh!" Luna let out a yelp. They both sat up after Naia released Luna from her hold.

"Is there something going on between you two?" Naia asked breathlessly. She seemed to be overly excited.


"Oh my goodness Luna! Who else?"



"Grayson?" Luna asked confused. She really did not know what was happening.

Luna explained to Naia that she doesn't remember the rest of the night after she drank the water that Grayson handed her, which was a lie. Luna remembered a little bit more than that, but she was a bit embarrassed.

"Well," Naia said. "I will tell you what happened then."

"Wait," Luna interrupted. "How do you know?"

Naia rolled her eyes. "I was there!"

"What? Why didn't you come say hi?"

"Why didn't YOU come say hi?"

"I didn't—"

"It doesn't matter. After you drank the water Grayson gave you, he took you in his arms and..." Naia pretended to be holding someone in front of her. She paused for a dramatic effect.

"And?" Luna wanted to know if her friend was going to confirm the memories she has of last night: Grayson holding her in his arms, their faces so close, his lips touched hers.

"And," Naia started up again. She started smiling uncontrollably like a little child and then continued giggling.

Luna was so curious as to what happened next, but it didn't seem like Naia was too eager to share.

"What happened?"



***Naia is dragging this on for no reason. She just wants to torment her friend with the curiousity.

Well, I hope you are enjoying the story! Thank you all for continuing to follow Luna on her journey and I will see you in the next chapter!***

He Loves Me (Curves and All) *COMPLETED*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat