Raindate ~ JD x reader

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   If there was one thing that scared you more than anything, it was a thunderstorm. Neither you nor your parents could ever figure out what it was about them that sent you into a panic attack every time, but alas, it's something you lived with.
   It was mid-summer. The entire week had been rainy, but this Friday night was the worst of them by far. It felt like there wasn't a second where thunder wasn't rumbling or lightning wasn't flashing. To make things worse, you were supposed to go on a date with your boyfriend. However, you were too absorbed in your panicked state to text him and tell him you'd have to reschedule.
   Around 7:30 p.m. the sound of knuckles rapping against your bedroom window startled you out of your absent minded rewatch of the Office. You rushed to open the window for your trench coat clad boyfriend as your hands shook.

   "Hey, love. I thought your parents were dropping you off at the movies," as he climbed through your window a big boom of thunder sent you into another round of shaking and crying as you fell to the ground.
   You weren't able to stop it in time and JD rushed over to you. You could see his lips moving but you weren't hearing them. Eventually he pulled you to his chest and just held you there, stroking your hair every so often. You weren't sure how long you had stayed there, crying into his jacket. It could've been five minutes or twenty-five minutes. Eventually you pulled away from him and wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your sweatshirt.

   "Jesus, JD, I'm so sorry-" he cut you off before you could finish your apology

   "Sweetheart, you have nothing to apologize for, I just want to know if you're alright," cupped your cheek with his hand and looked into your eyes. You sniffled, "I'm ok"
   He smiled as he led you over to your bed and wrapped you up in his arms once again. You fell asleep as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.

A/N this is just a quick thing I wrote because it's a massive storm outside and Homegirl isn't here for it. So enjoy!

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