Takedown ~ Jason Dean (JD)

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             It's true that at school people saw you as nothing more than the quiet, geeky, loser who was never seen without a book in your hands. But if they bothered to take time from thinking about themselves and actually got to know you, then they'd see who you really were.

             You were reading on your way to class when you first bumped into him.

            "Damn! I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed.

            "No, no. My apologies really. I shouldn't have interrupted your reading." The mysterious stranger said while helping you pick up your stuff. You slightly winced at his words figuring he just saw you as a freak like everyone else did. You lowered you gaze to the ground as he handed your book back to you. That surprised you. If he had been like to other kids at your school, then he would've held it farther above you than you could reach, or throw it away. But he didn't.

            As he was walking away he turned back and threw you a wink. You hadn't gotten a good look at his face before due to you being blinded by your embarrassment. Mr. No-name kid has dark brown hair with eyes to match. His trench coat was even darker. You shook your thoughts of him out of your head and headed to class.


             Everyone at your school liked to meet up on hot days at the waterfall on Blue Mountain. Now normally, you try to avoid interacting with other humans, but today your parents forced you to leave the house. Probably so they could shoot up and get drunk without a sober witness.

              You weren't planning on swimming. You were just walking to trails when resident dick, Dirks Gentley, started hollering at you as he climbed out of the water.

             "Well, well, well. Would ya look at that! The freak didn't glue a book to her hands." He laughed mockingly as his goonies laughed. You started to walk away when he grabbed your wrist.

             "Now, where do you think you're going? This is where all the cool kids hang out. Oh wait, that's probably why we never see you here." He continued to taunt. In response you flipped him off in sign language. Apparently he understood what the gesture meant and didn't like it.

             "Who the hell do you think you are? Walking around like you're so high above everyone else. And then you go and do this crap!" He started yelling getting closer and closer to your face.

              It was like something came over you. It all happened so fast. You wrapped your arms around Dirks and wrestled him to the water. He started pleading as you prepared to shove him off a tall rock. You didn't listen. But as he was struggling in your arms, when he fell off, you did too. You crawled to shore, sopping wet with people cussing you out from behind you. But you had too much adrenaline to care.

              You walked to the parks ranger's  office with more confidence than you had shown since Kindergarten. You sauntered in and went down to the basement as you played back what had happened again in your head. As you were leaning against a concrete wall thinking about how much of a badass you are, the back door opened up. In walked Mr. No-name kid himself with a cigarette in his mouth.

               "That'll kill you, you know." You said. He startled when you spoke, not realizing that he had company.

               "And you could die from pneumonia." He stated gesturing at you and your still soaking wet person. You chuckled before responding.

                "Well, seeing as it came from knocking Dirks Gentley off his pedestal quite literally, I'll say it's worth it."

                "You did what?" He responded confusedly.

                And so, you recounted your tale to him. By the end he seemed taken aback and kind of impressed.

                 "Jason Dean. But a badass like you can call me JD." He finally said, holding his hand out for you to shake.

                 "(Y/N) (L/N). But you can call me (Y/N) the usurper." You joked as you shook his hand.

                 "How about we go get you out of those wet clothes and go get a slushee."

                 "That sounds great." You said, grinning. Maybe you'd finally have a friend.

A/N- if you guys want a part two to this, just let me know, because I already have an idea for it. But I don't want to beat a dead horse, you know? Also this is based off of a weird dream I had. Just thought I'd share that.

Musical theatre one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें