Idiots ~ Michael Mell and Jeremy Heere (platonic)

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You had been best friends with Jeremy Heere and Michael Mell for longer than you could remember. But it was always only a two player game, never three. As far as you're concerned, they just keep you around for Golden Trio cosplaying.

After Jeremy got squipped and stopped hanging out with you and Michael a small, terrible part of you thought that maybe at least one of your friends would give you attention. Oh how wrong you were.

"Hey, Mell! Wanna go get a slushee?" You said as you skipped up to your hoodie clad friend's locker. When Michael just continued rummaging through his backpack without answering your question you started to wave your hand in front of his face.

"Hello! Earth to Mell." You giggled.

But the tall boy just sling his backpack over his shoulder and walked off. That's when you started to worry. 'Jesus, why does he have to have such long legs?" You asked yourself as you ran to catch up with him.

"Michael! Wait up!" You yelled. He finally came to a stop but didn't look at you.

"Michael! What the hell is up with you? Why won't you talk to me?" You asked. Finally the black haired boy turned around to face you.

"How the hell can you be so cheerful and act like nothing's wrong! Jeremy doesn't want to be our friend anymore and you don't even care!" He yelled at you.

"What do you mean?" You ask, taken aback by your friend's words.

"I mean that you don't even seem to give a damn that our best friend unfriended us! How heartless can you be, (Y/n)!"

"Jeremy left. There's not much we can do about it. I just figured that you'd still want to hang out." You said in a small, teary voice. You'd never had Michael yell at you before, and he knew that you were just a wee bit sensitive. Well he didn't get to see you cry this time. You turned away from him and ran away before the tears could fall.

As you were running away, you bumped into a tall, lanky figure. You started to apologize profusely. You shut up when you saw that you were talking to none other than Jeremy Heere.

"Damn! Sorry Jeremy!" You exclaimed as you got up and brushed yourself off.

"It's all good, (Y/N). Hey, are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just gotta run." You said hurriedly as you ran home.

When you reached your house you went into your room and cried.

~The night of the play~

You had been squipped. It had been destroyed. And now you had lost the only hope you had for your friends to stop treating you like the third wheel on a tricycle. You got out of your costume and started to walk out towards your house all alone. Currently the only difference between you and Eponine was that you had wanted to be friend zoned. As you I wallowed in your self pity, you heard two voices call out your name from behind you.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" One voice yelled

"We're not athletic! You know this!" Said the other voice. And so you stopped in your tracks and turned to face your panting former friends.

"What do you guys want?" You asked coldly.

"We want to apologize for being dicks to you. You've always been there for both of us and you didn't deserve this." Jeremy apologized.

"And we want you to be our friend again." Michael added.

"What? So you can ignore me again. So you can toss me aside once a cooler, smarter, taller geek comes along to fill the Hermione quota?" You replied coldly. They stared at you confusedly. So apparently it hadn't occurred to them that you felt left out sometimes.

"Damn, (Y/N). You gotta believe us. You're our best friend! Not just some cosplaying tool!" Michael exclaimed.

"We are so sorry for making you feel ignored. We need you. You're the only person that can stop us from doing dumb crap that'll get us arrested, killed or both!" Jeremy exclaimed.

"If you guys really mean it, then I guess I can forgive you." As soon as those words left your mouth, the two tall boys had you wrapped in a bone crushing hug.

"That is, you have to treat me like someone who can actually contribute to the team." You said as you pulled away from their embrace.

"Of course!" The boys said in unison. And with that, you were the one initiating the hug. Yeah, they were idiots sometimes, but they were your idiots.

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