Till Death Do Us Part ~ Enjolras

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It was a widely known fact that Enjolras was a rather cold person. To everyone who went to his rallies it seemed that all he cared about was France. What they didn't know was that he had a soft for one person.

His parents had wanted him to get married. They didn't care to whom. They just wanted to be able to gloat about their son being married when all of their friends' children were still single. They even let him choose who he would court.

As soon as they entered the marketplace, it became evident just how little Enjolras cared for this.

"Now, dear, I know that you don't wish to get married, but if you would just find someone whom you are somewhat interested in, that would be perfect!" His mother said as she rubbed circles on the back of Enjolras's red coat. He simply rolled his eyes.

"Son, your mother and I had no say in our marriage and we're perfectly happy! Now imagine what it will be like with you choosing your own bride!" His father tried comforting him.

"Your father and I are going to look around the marketplace, and by the time we get back, we fully expect to find you engaged in conversation with a suitor! Now have fun!" Great! His mother was more excited about this than he was.

Enjolras tried striking up conversation with a few different people before giving up once he realized how dreadfully boring they were. He was getting ready to give up when he saw a figure struggling against the grasp of who he assumed was their father. He pushed through the crowd trying to reach the strangers before something truly bad happened . Unfortunately, he was too late. He got there right as the older man shoved the figure to the ground.

"Maybe if you live out here for a little while you'll realize how lucky you are to get even a crumb of bread!" The man shouted as he spat at the figure curled up on the ground.

As soon as the older man walked away, Enjolras was right next to the them. He notices as they recoil from his touch.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I noticed that you seemed to be having some troubles and I wanted to help. I'm Enjolras." He spoke softly.

"Why would you want to help me?" They asked quietly.

"Because every human deserves to be respected unless they give a reason not to be, and as far as I can tell, you are harmless." He attempted to comfort the stranger. Wiping the tears from their eyes they finally offered up a name.

"Thank you. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You said as you attempted to stand up. You must've rolled your ankle during the fall.


And that was the start. Eventually you and Enjolras got married and you truly did care deeply for eachother. Little did the Les Amis know, they had met their leader's spouse many times before at meetings. They just hadn't realized it because he never introduced them. Hell, they didn't even know that Enjolras was married. It was quite amusing to see Grantaire hit on you right in front of your husband's face. Enjolras's reactions were even better.


When it was announced that General Lamarque had died, you knew that your husband would be heading off to the barricades. You both knew that it was very possible that he wouldn't be returning. And so you made up your mind. You would fight alongside the men you had known for so long. If your husband were to die, then so would you. Till death do you part and all. Even Enjolras couldn't stop you from going.


The gunshots were loud. The smell of gun smoke and blood filled the air. You fired your musket at one of the French soldiers and hit him square in the chest. You didn't have any time to celebrate because right as your fired and hand grabbed yours and pulled you into the Café Musain. You whipped yourself around to see you husband and his friends. Without a word you were pulled up the stairs and as you began to talk your husband placed a finger over your lips. You understood why when you heard the footsteps below you and the orders of the general. Enjolras held you to his side and you squeezed your eyes shut as the guns fired. When you opened your eyes you saw the men you'd shared drinks with, made sure they got home safely, and befriended bleeding on the ground. You stood in shock until your husband grabbed your hand and pulled you away.

"If you leave now, they will not kill you. We don't both have to die!" Enjolras pleaded with you.

"I am your wife. I will not abandon you now. They will get both of us whether they like it or not." You spoke sternly. Once you had made your mind up no one could change it. Just thinking about it made your husband smile lightly. You stared confusedly at your smiling husband. He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him as the French soldiers barged upstairs. You held him tighter as he lifted his red flag up. You closed your eyes and imagined your wedding day as you felt the bullet enter your chest. Using your last bit of strength you grabbed your husband's hand and kissed it before drifting off into eternal slumber.

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