Quidditch Tryouts

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Alright so I was going to wait till someone answered the trivia question but I needed to get this chapter down because we're going on vacation and who knows when I'll have time to upload or write.

Sometime after the flying lesson
Dear Diary,

I took a chance today going to see Neville after his flying incident in the hospital wing.
I walked up to Madam Pomfrey and asked her were Neville was. Then she pointed me int he right direction and I followed.
" Neville." I said looking and his chubby body, but what came next was completely unexpected. Neville looked up and started hugging me with his one good arm.
He stopped after a few seconds and said, " Susan I, I thought you forgot about me."
" Really, I thought you didn't want to talk to me." " Really, why? You didn't ask the hat to be put in Slytherin did you?"
" No, and I'm guessing you didn't ask to be put in Gryffindor."
" Absolutely not. I argued with the hat at what seemed like hours."
" Well I'll assure you it was a little longer then four and a half minutes."
" oh that long, really?"
" Yes around that."
"Um so I don't know how t ask this but, canyoulendmeyournotessoIdontgetbehind."
" of course Neville." But then some how it just happened to be time to go to dinner and Madam Pomfrey made me go. Why. Well anyway Quidditch tryouts are in two days. They need a chaser so hope I can fill that position.

Two Days Later

Dear Diary,

I stopped at the hospital wing just a few minutes ago to drop off my notes from today and the day before. Before heading toward the quidditch pitch. There were around thirty students there and Marcus Flint the quidditch captain.( he is the captain back then,right?) he had each of us go through a course where we had to pass the quaffle back and forth with one of the other players named Graham Montague. (Yes that is the actual name,I had to do a lot of research to find there names mostly because some of the positions didn't have names of the people who played, so I had to take Adrian Pucey who played chaser play beater. And Peregrine Derrik who didn't go to Hogwarts until Harry's third year to replace Marcus beater as well. So please appreciate this.)
It was quite fun I must admit, when it was my turn, I did get a few odd looks on my broom because of its age and mine, [I had heard Harry Potter was playing Quidditch, so if I got on the team he would receive the youngest player in a century but that would make me the youngest girl to play at Hogwarts in nearly two hundred years]but it suited me quite fine. Graham Montague was given the quaffle then I was told to take off. Graham then threw the ball out of reach so I had to race my broom to a hard right to catch the ball which I did then throw the ball back to Graham who dropped it flat. I dived immediately into a nose dive and didn't level myself until I had caught the ball.
It was then the next person's turn who failed miserably. After that Marcus dismissed several of the others and we had get the quaffle  into the hoops.
I scored 5 out of 6 so not to bad. I now a third year boy got all of them in but I swear my flying was better than his. So I guess I'll see tomorrow.

The next day,

I made the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also Neville is finally out of the hospital wing. Are first game is up against Gryffindor, so I'll wright more about that later.

Yes I know first years aren't allowed. But I needed to make it interesting.



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