March 9,1989

28 4 0

Dear Diary,
Today I did something amazing. I was playing with a ball. And I just made it float in the air. My dad came rushing over to me all excited and said."A witch!" I didn't know what he talking about so he brought me inside and told mum about magic.
I was surprised and believed him. He also told us about his job. His real job. He worked as the head of magical law enforcement. So that came out as a surprise as well. I loved it but mum took this strangely. I don't know what happened. And she left. That means I have now lost two mothers. Not sure how motherly my first one was but I loved Shirley she was so nice and kind I don't now what I'll do without her.


I've been thinking over what happened in the last four hours.
1Dad dropped me out of school.
2Mum left.
3Dad has given me twenty six books on magic.
4Dad nearly burned down the house trying to make soup.
5We received a call from mum saying she's never coming back.

This list is my new life. A life that will not be easy. But it is a life I am ready to go though. For I am not alone and shall never be.

Susan Barley

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