🥂The Get-Together P.T 2🥂

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"What typa person tells you their middle name the first time you meet em'?"

"Yeah, who does tha-" Who does that? Jax didn't tell me. . .he didn't tell me his middle name. How do I know? Is that really it? Although he feels so famili-

"Foods here ladies! Who ordered the cinnamon french toast with syrup?"

"Right here." Liz says as she raises two fingers in the air.

The waiter gives me the other dish since there were only two.

"Thanks." The waiters eyes open and nods. Yet another stare.

We start to dig in. Liz cuts here toast and dips it into the extra syrup. I cut my wafle and scoop up the chocolate on from the side of the plate. Another waiteress comes along.

The waitress has curly long orange hair and Pale skin. Her eyes a bright red, glowing as much as much as mine. She looked to young to be a full adult.

Her eyes open wide then close quickly. She shakes her head a bit.

"Drinks?" She asks giving us a no tooth smile. I squinted my eyes towards her. 'Holy shit'

Liz looks over at me and gives me a plain look. A mix of 'well won't you look at that.' And 'what do you want to drink?' Swirled in her eyes.

I haven't seen a dragon besides in the mirror for the longest time. Does she know that I'm one as we-

"Ladies? Any drinks?"

"Ah yes. I'll get cranberry juice and she'll get passion fruit juice." The waitress stands and looks at my face for a second.

"Alright. I'll be right back with your order!" She says and rushes off.

"Looks familiar doesn't it?" Liz states.

I chuckle. "Yeah."

"So, what happened to that Jax guy?"

"He went home. .eventually."

"You told him everything?" She asks not beleiveing me.

"Yeah." I said. The waitress walked back with two tall glass cups. One with a light orange tinted drink and another with a dark ruby drink. She stops in front of us and put the two cups down.

"Here are your drinks ladies." She says flicking her perfect curls behind her shoulders. She walks away and looks behind her. Then she enters the kitchen.

Liz finishes up her toast and sips her drink. I do the same.

"So what are you going to do about him."

"Ill keep in touch with him. I got his number and he got mine."

"Okay, good."

The waiteress with the orange hair was at the table next to us. I looked at her for a long time taking in all of her features. Her bright eyes, big beautiful curly hair, her rosy pink cheeks and slender tall figure.

Mhm. . .now I know what it feels like to look at others.

She glances over at me. She raises an eyebrow and leaves.

The sun midway in the sky. I look at my phone for the time. 10:56. Wanting to be heading back I signal liz to the exit and she starts to get up. She leaves a 10 dollar tip. The orange haired woman comes out of the kitchen and brings food to the table next to us.

I get a deep feeling to signal her in some type of way. Another dragon.
Liz started to head towards the elevator. The waitress looks over at me. . .I winked at her.

Her eyes open wide and she rushes to the kitchen before she gets into it, her hand reaches behind her and she starts to untie her waist apron. I head towards Liz. I get into the elevator and the doors close.

We make it down to the lobby and walk up to the host. We talk to him and finish up.

We heading up to the doors. Liz left to start up the car and bring it to the front of the resturant. Before I leave the elevator doors open and the waitress sprints out of it. She sprints towards me and she panted before being able to get a word out.

She finally catches her breath.

Liz honks the horn outside signaling me to come outside.


My eyes open when and idea strikes in my head. I reach in my bag and grab a piece of paper. I move my hand in my bag looking for something to write with. The waitress catches on and grabs a pen from her back pocket that she was using to write down orders.

I grab the pen and write down 10 digit number. I rip the paper and give it to the girl before leaving the resturant and meet glowing eyes with her.

I entered the shiny car and put my bag to the side.

"What happened?" She asked. I had been in the restaurant for a while afterwards.

"I gave the girl my number."

"Oh the other dragon?"

I chuckled. "Yeah the other dragon."

"When are you gonna get in contact with her?" Liz says as she step on the gas pedal.

"Soon. Hopefully i'll get to know her."

"What will you even say to her?"

"Well, does it even matter? Were both dragons! We'll get along." I smile.

"Right, you want me to drop you off?" Liz asks.

"Yeah." I say as I turn on my phone.

Searching through the contacts I found the one I didn't know I was looking for.

Contact: Jax

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