🔍The Unknown🔎

13 2 0

-[Jax POV]-

"Tatsuo, have you ever. . .hurt anyone with your powers?"

I wanted to know. . .I needed to know. Why did I need to know? M-My eye. . .Tatsuo. .Scratched. . Did sh-

"H-Hurt anyone. .?" She stutters in worry and fear.

"Y-Yeah I just wanted to know. . .not saying that you're dangerous or anything or assuming that you did!" I lied.

"I-I. . .think so. . ." She says shaking in fear and what seemed like regret. She's not the same girl I saw at the mart. What happened to her straight face, her fearless aura? Where is she?

"You. .think so?" Not understanding what she said I asked. Did she forget?. . .I softly touch the scar on the bright blue eye. . .Did. .I forget? She looked up and saw me touching my scar. Her eyebrows swirl in worry and her mouth slightly opens.

"You can leave if you don't want to sleep here." I tilt my head as I grab my phone to check the time. . .11:46. .PM! Shit. . .we've been sitting here for hours. All day. Talking. Should I leave? Would she be uncomfortable if I stay? Do I want to stay? Argghh!! Jax what's wrong with you?? I get frustrated as I finally make a decision.

"I'll leave." Her face plain and rested but I can see the worry in her eyes.

"Give me your phone." I rest the back of my palm on the table. The fear in her eyes tame as she reaches behind her and grabs the device. I grab the thin piece of technology and reach for mine as well.

I put in her contact into my phone and mine in hers. Both our contacts name saved as just Jax and Tatsuo. I hand her phone back and she tucks it away in her back pocket.

I stand up from the stool and she does as well. I tap my fingers on my upper thigh and look around. I spot my bookbag and my leftover food still in front of the entrance from where I left it yesterday. I walk towards the items placing the mart bag inside of the small black bag and putting it on my back.

Adjusting my sweater I turn around to see Tatsuo standing a couple feet away from me fidgeting with her fingers as she waits for me to leave. I walk towards her not knowing how to formally say goodbye. I stand over her and wait a couple seconds before she pulls me into a tight hug. In shock, I stay still before hugging her as well.

"T-Thank you." She says stuttery.

"For what?"I ask not knowing why she thanked me at all.

"Nothing." She avoids my question as she breathes out and pulled away from the tight hug. The coldness taking over as she takes away the warmth she was providing, almost like fire. I turn around and open the door closing it behind me.

I stand in front of the door my back facing it breathing out. I walk through the hallway and down the stairs that I was being dragged along by what felt like 5 minutes ago. Panic taking over me as I rush to my house.

'Shit, Shit, Shit . .dad, he must be worried sick.' I finally exit the building and stand in front of the doorway. I expected sunlight for some reason but of course, I was covered in the dark shade of the night. I sprinted toward my building and entered.

I ran up what seemed like endless stairs and finally made it to the dark brown wooden door in which I lived inside. I shuffled through my bag and found my keys that dangled off of a clip. I unlocked the top and bottom lock and opened the door. I closed it behind me and dropped my bag near the doorway.

"Dad!" I called out hoping to hear a voice or footsteps stomping towards me full of a anger and worry. But what I heard. . .was exactly that. Silence. Nothing. Empty.

"Dad?" I stay near the entrance. 'He's not here' of course he's not, why would he be. I don't bother to call him on that useless phone of his since he never picks up and if he does he won't tell me where he is anyways.

Let's look for that note he always leaves. I walk to the kitchen and look around for the small square of yellow paper that'll give me the info I need. It catches my eye on the smooth white countertop. I snatch it a read through the words.

'Jax, I'll be away for a bit, a month tops. I have some business to take care of. I left some money in my bedroom drawer for your use. buy food or whatever. I'll get in contact with you when I can. Love you. -Volt'

I let out a long sigh. Dad shows his love in weird ways. What business? I'm asking since I don't even know what that mans job is. Whatever. I set the note down on the countertop and rub my eyes.

I'm exhausted. The last time I slept was that horrible nap I took in. .Tatsuo's house. Everything from the night of the mart feels like a dream or more like a nightmare.

She was the dream.

I shake off the thoughts and remove my sweater. I hook it up next to the door. I walk to my room and take off my clothes. I trace my finger along a couple scars on my chest and stomach. Only 3 scars lashing across. I lift my arms and look around them. Seeing small patches of blue roundish scales sprawled around them. 'The same color as my eye'. I thought. I never knew why I have these patches and I didn't dare to show them to my father knowing he would freak out and try to take me to the hospital or some shit. I pick out some new clean clothes for the night and head towards the shower.

I pull an oversized t-shirt over my moist hair, head and finally my shoulders and flattened in on my torso. I pulled on some sweatpants and tossed myself into bed. I plugged in my phone and shuffled through all my notifications not trying to get to deep in with my fatigue taking over my eyes making them heavy. Finally got rid of all of them except for my messages.

From Volt👤

From Johnny👽

From Onion🥡


Where are you?

Sent at 11:43>2 days ago

I exit the message and don't reply since it doesn't matter anymore.


Bro, you left your book at my house. Do you want it back before next semester starts or nah??

It's alright, I'll get it when the semester starts. DONT SPILL SODA ON IT.

I chuckle as I go on to the next and final message before letting my exhaustion take over me.


Yo when can you come over, my bandmates are killing me!

Onew is in an underground band, although it's not really underground since they now have millions of fans. He always complains about his bandmates although he really loves them.

Jaxy boy🕸:

Lol dude it can't be that bad. But idk when I can come I've been really busy lately. Sorry, guess you'll have to deal with it✌! Tell the boys I said hi😁

I finally finish reading through all of the text messages. Exhausted I put my phone down and laid on my bed. My eyes slowly closing as they shot open. I grab my phone and look through my contacts. I found it.

Contact: Tatsuo

I didn't dare to type anything. I really didn't have anything to say actually.

Edit>Change contact name

Change nickname?



Nickname changed!

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