⛓🎴Jax Astro Rhyder [Backstory]🎴⛓

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"I'm heading out dad!"


*Door shuts*

*Yawn* Dammit, I'm tired. Of going to school. I dont even remember the last time I got a decent amount of sleep. My grades are perfect, straight A's. I don't really put much effort, I just do my work and I'm not a pain in the ass. I wouldn't consider myself a nerd but not an idiot either.

I have friends, I'm what you would call the strong silent type. Not because I'm shy mostly because I'm to lazy to speak to others. Obviously 1 or 2 people make fun of me, its inevitable. Not because of something stupid, mostly because you don't usually see a guy with a royal blue eye and a dark Brown eye.

Plus I have a couple of twitches, y'know just a couple of weird blinks and finger tappings nothing to extreme. Oh and besides all that, I have a huge scar down my eye.

I can't even remember how I obtained it.

Since a lot of people ask why I have two colored eyes, my dad claims it was because of my mom. 'She had royal. Blue eyes just like the one you have' he would say. She left when I was thirteen. I don't remember what she looks like very much, my memories been fading a bit. I ask my dad why she had to leave sometimes but he would never tell me and the conversation would usually end in him tearing up and a "Jax that's final."

I'm 19 now. I've decided to take a break from college before I go. My dad doesn't really care if I do or not, as long as I get money and move out. It's not like he's in the house much anyways. *Sigh* Here I am.


Clink-Clank-Clang! Jesus, I didn't think sneaking out of the house would be this hard, or this loud. It shouldn't be this hard, it's only my dad in the house. Sneaking out of the house at 16 is so cliché but it sure is fun.

*Clink* Finally out. I let out a deep sigh.

I put my hands in my bright yellow hoodie pocket. I start wondering around. There are many alleyways around where I live, but there is this one alleyway that I've always wanted to go down. It's really close to where I live. Its dim but colorful with purple and blues. It's pretty. I walk towards it, but this time I saw a girl that looked like my age. She had long black hair and a white hoodie on. I do a small sprint towards her.

"Hello!" I say.

"Oh, hi!" She says while she turns around.

"Woah~" I say in a surprised tone. I noticed her face. . .a bright smile. She has bright neon yellow eyes, pitch black freckles and well, teeth. Pretty sharp if I might add.

"Oh I'm sorry, I know I look a bit weird~" She says as she quickly closes her mouth and chuckles nervously.

"No way, you look amazing!" I blush at the thought of what I had said.

"Wow, um really? Thank you!" She says as she shows off her sharp teeth again.

"Mind if I ask your name?" I ask.

"I'm Tatsuo Jinx Noir, pleased to meet you". She says as she stretches out her hand towards me.

"What about yours?" She asks with her hand still stretched out.

I take her hand. "I'm Jax Astro Rhyder."

"Cool." she says pulling her hand away.

"So. . .what are you doing out here?" I ask curiously since it was pretty late, 3 am to be exact.

"Well. . . I really shouldn't say." She says while tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Its okay, I won't tell, I'm pretty quiet." I smile.

She smiles. "Okay, well how do I put this. . .I'm, testing out um, my powers." She says hesitantly.

I stare at her blankly. "NO WAY!!" I exclaim.

"You believe me?!" She says lighting up.

"Well that depends, can you prove it?"

"Err I haven't been able to completely control them yet, And since I already told you that, there's something else. . ." She says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Umm. . ."

I hold her hand and say "It's alright you can tell me, we're friends now Tatsuo."

"Thank you." She says and smiles.

"Of course. . .so what is it?"

"I'm. . .A dragon" She says hesitantly and breathes out.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything, although it hadn't been proven but I was still shocked as a 16 year old.

"Want me to prove it to you?" She smirks.


"Alright, but like I said before I might lose control."

"Ok." I say as I slowly move back.

"Alright~" She says in a cool tone as she shakes her hands. She closes her eyes tightly and tilts her head down. Before my eyes could process she starts to grow. Her hands and feet turn into huge paws with huge white claws. Horns grow out of her head drooping down behind her huge ears. She's covered in jet black matte scales. Huge wings with bright golden undersides as well as her chest and torso. Her wings bump into the fire escapes of the apartment buildings. Her snout grows with huge teeth sharper than blades.

She looks me dead in the eye.

"Holy. . .woah~" I was lost for words. I couldn't believe what I had been looking at. The beautiful creature seemed to start looking at itself. It looked at its paws, wings and seemed to start to panic. It let out a roar that seemed to shake the city. Along with the roar that came out of her mouth so did a bright white fire. It swung its huge paw at me, scratching my royal blue eye straight down. I let out a small yelp and and fall back. With my working eye I barely saw her turn back.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU ALRIGHT, IM SO SORRY!" She exclaims in a cry.

"I'm alright, I'm alright." I say in a surprisingly calm tone and in bearable pain. I look up at her and open both if my eyes. Blood streams down the scar down my cheek to my chin.

"Oh my gosh what have I done." She goes to wipes the blood from my cheek with her sweatshirt.

"Hey stop, you'll dirty it." I say as I grab her hand.

I snicker. "I'm gonna need one hell of a lie to tell my dad." I say while wiping my chin.

". . .are we still friends?" She asks sadly holding her hands in her sweatshirt and tears running down her face.

"Of course! You're super cool plus, now I look cool." I say sarcastically.

She facepalms wipes her cheeks and laughs. We chuckle and both break out into laughter.


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