💬The Chat💬

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-[Tatsuo POV]-

"I-I believe you." I hear him say, stuttery but sure of himself. He believes me. . .

". . . Why?" I ask out of confusion and curiosity.

"I don't know. I just do. I've already seen it, so why not?" We stayed in silence until I broke it with another question.

"Why didn't you leave?" I ask. I didn't expect him to stay after what had happened. I just expected him to leave in fear or something.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. You fell last night and hit your head pretty hard," He states his reasons clearly. "By the way are you sick or something, or do you know why you passed out all of a sudden?"

"It's just because. .I haven't used my powers in a very long time and using them all of a sudden, I didn't take it very well."

"Ah. . .yeah." He says, semy understanding my explanation.

"I'm Guessing you're still a bit lost so I'll explain as much as I can to you without losing you." He stares at me straight in the eyes and nods.

"Okay so. .uh, where do I start. . ." I think about something easy to tell him that won't come as a shock, although what he's seen and heard already must be shocking enough.

"Alright so, I have. .multiple powers. Excluding the one you saw last night, I have two more. . . which are transforming and a strong bite force. When I transform though I also obtain fire breath, sharp claws and everything else that you'd imagine a dragon would have." I chuckle and he smiles.

"But. .that's about it." I look up at Jax expecting a surprised expression but he has more of an 'I've heard this before face' which brought me to confusion.

He opens his mouth to speak and all of the question flooded in.

"So...you can turn into a dragon?"


"And...you can breathe fire and create fire from your palm?"

"Yes, but I can only breathe fire as a dragon and create fire from my palms as a human."

". . .Can you bite titanium?" He asks and chuckles.

"Y-Yeah." I smile and chuckle but my eyes start to water as I remembered the times with my parents. He doesn't notice so I wipe my slightly watered eyes with my fingertips. We stayed in silence for a little while.

"By the way. . .why did you bring me here after last night?" I look at him straight in the eyes and repeat the same thing to him as I have been in my mind since the moment he saw me use my powers.

"I was afraid you would get scared of seeing me using my powers and tell other people and such. . .my powers are meant to be a secret and only to be used when necessary, it's dangerous for others to see and even more dangerous for it to spread."

"So why did you tell me. .and use them in front of me?" He asks the question that I haven't even answered myself yet.

"I. .don't know. .I wanted to protect you," I stated. "You seemed scared when that guy started charging towards us last night, I didn't want to leave you there if you couldn't fight back."

"Yeah I did get a bit shocked but I could've handled it...i think." I knew he could've handled it, I really don't know why I used them. Did I really want to protect him? But why? I don't owe him anything, but why does he seem so familiar? His royal blue eye, the long pink scar down it. . . a scratch. . .

We didn't speak for a while, we both stayed in silence for what seemed forever. We have so much to talk about yet we say nothing.

"Do you. .want me to leave?" He asks curiously. The question racing through my mind.

"No! I mean. . .not if you don't want to. . .you can stay if you want or leave. ." Knowing his response I don't expect much.

"Why would you want me to stay anyways?" My throat clogs. Not knowing what to say I stay quiet.

"I can leave and come back anytime you want to, if you want me to stay because you're afraid its okay your secret has been safe with me." His words soothe my fear as I go over his words.

Your secret has been safe with me. . .has been?

"Before I do leave, how about we get to know each other a bit more?"

"Okay. . ." I say wondering what he means by what he's stated.

"Um. . .how about we play some truth or truth?" He says as he makes the suggestion. I nod and wait for him to come up with a question.

"Alright. . .how long have you kept your secret for?"

"As long as I can remember actually. I've kept it since I was very young and first found out about it." I say referring to my past that I left behind. I think of a question that would be useful to my knowledge.

"Do you have. . .both of your parents?" I ask curiously since he seems like the guy to have everything.

"I have my dad, but my mom. .she left a while ago. ." He says a bit down as I regret my question slightly.

"Oh, sorry." I say carefully. He fidgets as he thinks of another question to ask.

"What's your favorite color?" He asks childishly lighting up the mood.

"Um, I don't really know. .white I think."

"White. . .isn't a color its a shade." He says containing his laughter.

"Shut up Jax," I say frustrated at his statement and he chuckles. I think of another question.

"Why do you have multicolored eyes?" I ask as I stare at them.

"Ah the brown one is from my dad and he says the blue comes from my mom." He says and smiles. His cheered expression fading as he opens his mouth to state his next question.

"Tatsuo, have you ever. . . hurt anyone with your powers?"

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