Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Park Jimin

Jungkook was reading a book when Jimin came in with his lunch. Jungkook hadn't even realised that it was already lunch time, his book was funny and exciting. "Jungkookieeee... How are you today? Are you ready for a kiss already?" Jimin asked with a seducing voice. Jungkook looked up when he heard Jimin's voice. "No Jimin, I don't want to kiss you!" He said annoyed. He didn't understand why the weird guy wanted to kiss him so badly, besides, he wasn't even gay. "Use your honorifics you brat." Jimin said with clenched teeth. Jungkook looked scared at the man infront of him and made a mental note to never forget his honorifics again. "I'm sorry hyung." "That's better" Jimin said, happy again. "I heard you had an intresting conversation with Hoseok-hyung?" Jimin said with a smirk. He wasn't planning on telling his own story, not yet at least but he was curious what Jungkook thought about Hoseok. "Mhm, he told me how he used to be an orphan." "He had it good as a kid." Jimin said in a strange way, like he was jealous. Which, now Jungkook thought about it, was probably true. "How can you say he had it good? He got bullied for so long!" "I'll tell you my story one day kid, then you'll realise that he had it good." Jimin said bitter. Jungkook looked at Jimin and realised that he was better of not saying anything right now. "But anyway, here is your lunch!" Jimin said, happy again (Jungkook started to question if the guy had mood swings). "Thank you Jimin-hyung, will you eat with me?" Jungkook asked. Even though these were the people that held him imprisoned he prefered to eat with someone over eating alone. "If that's what you want, just let me get my lunch then." "Yes please" Jungkook said with a small smile. 

When Jimin came back with the food Jungkook had moved the desk so that they could both eat from it so they wouldn't have to eat from the floor. Jungkook saw the appreciation in Jimin's eyes and knew he had made a good decision. "Jimin-hyung? Can I ask you a question?" "Mhm" "What is your full name?" Jungkook asked and Jimin started to laugh very loud. "Hoseok-hyung told you that we should 'reveal' our names ourselfs didn't he?" Jimin said while laughing. "Yes? Why are you laughing?" Jungkook asked confused. "It's so something for Hoseok-hyung to say, I should have expected the question." "Will you tell me then?" Jungkook asked, even more confused then before. "Mhm, my name is Park Jimin" "Oh, you don't use a different name like Hoseok-hyung!" "Yup, code names don't work if your work is trying to gain trust from people" Jimin said amuzed. "Oh... of course... Eeh, what exactly is your job here then?" "To fuck people" Jimin said and Jungkook choked on his drink. "A-are you their fuckboy" Jungkook asked while coughing. "No dumbass, I get information from people by fucking them, it's a fun job." Jungkook choked again. "Hey, hey, stop choking, we want you to live remember!" Jimin said while laughing. "How- cough -can you like a job like that?!" Jungkook asked in disbelieve. "That's my secret." Jimin answered abruptly. "Now finish your food." Jungkook did so in silence. 

When Jimin came out of the room Taehyung was waiting for him. "Why didn't you tell him like Hoseok did? You know he'll have to know eventually." "He'll pity me, I don't need pity." Jimin answered before walking to his room. "What happened to him?" Hoseok said, who had just walked in. "Not sure but I think Jungkook made him think about the past." "Did he tell his story to Jungkook-ah?" "Nope, he doesn't want Jungkook's pity apperently." "He'll have to tell him one day." "I know, and he knows too. But I understand him, I don't want to tell what happened to me either." "You'll be fine Tae, he's very nice." "Thank you hyung" Taehyung said and smiled. "TAEHYUNG-AH, JIMIN-AH GO TO RM RIGHT NOW." Jin yelled form somewhere in the mansion. "Oh, seems like we have another mission!" Taehyung said before walking to RM's office. 


A/n: I'm so sorry for such a short chapter but I just don't know what to write! I hope you like it non the less! 

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